Ten Amazing Things You Can Do With Toothpaste Other Than Brushing Teeth

While at the hair dressers the other day I was trying to explain how my hair just won’t rest and often looks wild, and she told me that her husband’s hair is the same, but he “tames” it with toothpaste! And if you thought that was a strange use of toothpaste, check this lot out…

Top 10 Weird and Unusual Uses for Toothpaste
Toothpaste Dinner Mints

10 – Dinner Mints

Now I am all for trying to save money here and there, but when it comes to after-dinner treats that are made from freezing a tube of Aquafresh toothpaste and then slicing it into bite-size treats I just feel it is taking money saving too far. Just get a cheap bag of humbugs instead.

Top 10 Weird and Unusual Uses for Toothpaste
Toothpaste cut in half

9 – Art

This is just one image from the amazing twitter feed @HalfPics. They cut all sorts of strange things in half and all for the name of art. Some of them are weird, while other like this tube of toothpaste are strangely fascinating.

Top 10 Weird and Unusual Uses for Toothpaste
Toothpaste use as a Diamond and Gold Sparkler

8 – Gold Sparkler

While kind of difficult to remove and a great cheap alternative to real gold cleaners this is one of those ideas that at first sounds like a great idea, and indeed it does work. But like I said it is rather difficult to remove all the toothpaste afterwards.

Top 10 Weird and Unusual Uses for Toothpaste
Toothpaste used to whiten yellow nails

7 – Whiten yellow nails

My old man used to love smoking roll-ups, but it always made his fingers and nails yellow. If only he would have known about using toothpaste to instantly whiten them again! Saying that he probably wouldn’t have cared.

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Top 10 Weird and Unusual Uses for Toothpaste
Fix skipping DVD with toothpaste

6 – CD Repair

While most of us will not use CD’s, DVD’s and Blu-Rays nowadays there was always that one kid’s film that they watched thousands of times and it had become scratched and unplayable. Well, I have been using toothpaste to repair them since the early 90’s and it really does work well.

Top 10 Weird and Unusual Uses for Toothpaste
Toothpaste used as Nail-Hole Filler

5 – Hole Filler

If you have recently removed a lot of pictures or wall hanging things from your wall to maybe paint it and give it a fresh new look, you might have some small nail holes that need filling. Well, why not simply use a small blob of toothpaste that will harden over time and look almost invisible once the paint is over the top of it.

Top 10 Weird and Unusual Uses for Toothpaste
Toothpaste used to remove scratches from mobile phones

4 – Phone Repair

If you look at your phone does it have the same light scratches and rub marks that most phones do? Well, worry no more because you can use toothpaste to great effect. Just squeeze a little bit of minty goodness onto the phone’s screen and gently rub round and round in circles until it is all rubbed in or removed.

Top 10 Weird and Unusual Uses for Toothpaste
Toothpaste used to clean walls

3 – Clean Walls

If you have children you will know that now and again they will draw on the walls of their rooms (or anywhere else they are left alone for too long) but worry not because just a small blog of toothpaste will even remove the most stubborn of marker pens and crayons.

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Top 10 Weird and Unusual Uses for Toothpaste
Toothpaste used to whiten shoes

2 – Shoe Cleaner

Not only will toothpaste brighten up the greyest of white shoes, but it also makes for a rather good cleaner of black and brown works shoes as well. In fact, I know a few people that use toothpaste instead of shoe cleaner!

Top 10 Weird and Unusual Uses for Toothpaste
Toothpaste prank Oreos

1 – The April Fools Oreos

Are you looking for a harmless April Fools joke? Well, why not scrape all the cream out from a pack of Oreos, then fill them with toothpaste and put them back into the packet. At worst someone might be ill and at best you get some funny reactions that you can watch from a distance.

Author: Gus Barge

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