In cafés all over the world and even on some family dining tables, there are some rather amazing and unusual Salt & Pepperpots. Today we take a look at the craziest and most unusual salt and pepper shakers from around the world…

10 – Skunk and Pepper – Buy Now on Amazon: >> Click Here <<
I didn’t even know Pepe had a girlfriend! Maybe it was an episode I missed. If you are a fan of the smelly one, or vintage cartoons, in general, these are the ones for you.

9 – Salt and Brella – Buy Now on Amazon: >> Click Here <<
There is probably no dining room or dinner themed to suit these amazing shakers, but that doesn’t stop them from being amazing. Maybe a cafe in an umbrella shop!

8 – Salt and Pea Shakers – Buy Now on Amazon: >> Click Here <<
This is the first one that would actually suit a dining table. I would have thought there were loads of food-related ones, but that just isn’t the case. But I like garden peas anyway so salt away!

7 – Salt and Snap – Buy Now on Amazon: >> Click Here <<
For all those amateur and professional photographers out there comes these film roll ones. Can you even by old-style film like this anymore?!? Maybe that is why they turned them into these!
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6 – Capital Shakers – Buy Now on Amazon: >> Click Here <<
With the “S” for salt and the “P” for pepper you are not going to get confused which is which with these rather nerdy keyboard shakers. These would make a great gift for almost anyone!

5 – Salt and Exterminate – Buy Now on Amazon: >> Click Here <<
Being a big fan of the show these really appealed to me. Plus that fact they are made of metal giving them a classic style to them, much like the TV show its self. They sure are two very unusual Daleks.

4 – Lego Shakers – Buy Now on Amazon: >> Click Here <<
I am not quite sure how I feel about these. Sure it will help kids to learn about salt and pepper, but it might encourage them to play with them as well. But for myself I love em.

3 – Salt Invaders – Buy Now on Amazon: >> Click Here <<
If retro video games are your thing (they are certainly mine) why not invade some dinner space and shot your laser pepper all over it! Nerdy for sure, but also very cool.
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2 – A Salt and Battery – Buy Now on Amazon: >> Click Here <<
Now, these are stylish, with a batteries style to them they will look a little out of place on the dining table, but would make a great talking point at any dinner party.

1 – These are not the shakers you are looking for – Buy Now on Amazon: >> Click Here <<
These were always going to be my number 1. Both looking cute, nerdy and strangely not that different in shape to normal salt and pepper shakers. With the new film out this year watch these fly off the shelves.