Footbridges are a type of bridge that is only used by us humans (and the occasional dog). While most are boring to look at (but still practical) there is a select few that are simply incredible…

10 – British Columbia, Canada
Made in 1889 the Capilano Suspension Bridge stretches an incredible 450 feet across the Capilano River. While there are 6 more bridges in this same area, this is by far the most impressive.

9 – Melbourne, Australia
I was hoping this bridge was designed by someone called Mr S.Man but apparently, the artist name was Robert Owen. He doesn’t sound like a web-slinger.

8 – Tatton Park, UK
This really is a footbridge that is supported by nothing but the 3 balloons you see. While it is just for art purposes and has since been removed, it was definitely one crazy bridge!

7 – Marina Center, Singapore
It is probably one of the most aesthetically pleasing footbridges in the World. With a twisting, helix design and blue LED’s on every join of the structure it looks amazing day and night.
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6 – Yorkshire, UK
This bridge is always making people laugh because they take the time to read the sides of it!

5 – Paris, France
I’ve read blog posts and status updates all saying how much fun it was to cross (bounce) the river Seine in Paris. But strangely they were all lies because this bridge was only a concept and was never made.

4 – La Roche-sur-Yon, France
This footbridge going across the La Roche-sur-Yon train track, it was designed by Bernard Tschumi Architects. Opened in 2008 it is still one of the most innovative bridge designs in the world.

3 – Birmingham, UK
Here in the UK there are castles in just about every corner of the island. But even I have never seen one that goes across the water before!
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2 – London, UK
Make by Heatherwick Studio is a 39-foot footbridge built in 2004 to act as a walkway over a small section of London’s Grand Union Canal. Thanks to a powerful hydraulic system the bridge can curl up an octagon allowing boats to cruise through the canal beside it.

1 – Pingjiang, China
Walking on a bridge that sits 1000ft above the ground is a scary prospect for some people. Now imagine that same bridge with the walk planks being made of glass! Try not to look down while crossing!