Do you enjoy playing slot games online? If you do you might want to take a moment to check out these ten great slot player tips written by me who is a prolific online slot player. While they are all basic knowledge they are still tips that you really should use…

Sign Up To Multiple Slot Sites
If you play one of the more popular online slot games like Rainbow Riches or Bejewelled you should sign up to all the sites that offer that exact slot game. Why? Because they will often send you discounts, bonuses and even free-spins to keep you playing. If you just enjoy one particular game you could be using all those codes and bonuses on that slot game! Just because its a different site doesn’t mean the odds will be any different.

Know The Rules Of The Slot Game
With so many different slot games online its inevitable that some of them have strange bonuses and weird win features. So by making sure you know how to play the slot game you are currently playing means you don’t miss out on any hidden features that it might have.

Stay Compos Mentis
This tip has been said a hundred times before and yet it is still one of the best tips you can abide by. By making sure you know how much you are spending and that playing is always fun means you never spend more than you can afford and you never find yourself chasing those losses.

Make The Best Use Of That Deposit Bonuses
If you have a set amount that you play to spend on slots that month why not use that deposit bonus code on the whole lot! If you get 2X the deposit you should try to make the largest deposit you can. Some people spend a lot less by using that method because they save more and get those larger bonuses.
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Free Play Before Real Play
If you are new to an online slot game the best way to learn how to play it is to play it in free-play mode. While not all online slot sites have this option many of them do and you will be surprised at just how much fun you will have without even spending a penny!

Play Less Per Bet To Make Money Last Longer
This tip is a bit of a no-brainer, but if you spend less per bet, but keep the number of pay lines the same as you will make your money last a lot longer. Even if you get a big win maybe try and keep hold of it or cash it out. That way you won’t be encouraged to spend it all.

Try Those Promoted Slot Games
Some slot games get promoted with free-spins, bonus deposit money and even higher-odds of winning. It is well worth checking out the promoted slots because you might find a new game you really like. Or you might win big from it that you can then use playing one of your favourite slot games.

Look Out For Group Play And Chat Features
Playing in a group can be a lot of fun, especially if there are online winner leaderboards to compete in. But slot chat rooms can be a lot of fun as well. You will be surprised at how friendly everyone is when they are all enjoying the same slots that you are.
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Don’t Use The Auto-Spin Feature Or The Skip Button
While they are handy if you just want to sit back and watch the slots spin your money will last a lot longer if you don’t turn the auto spins on and don’t skip the winning lines, even if it is a lot of them. Don’t be in a rush to spend all your money as fast as you can.

Stick To Your Limits
The best way to play slots online is to have a set budget and stick to it. Never chase your losses by making yet another deposit and never, ever spend a single penny more than you can afford. While I have said that a few times in this post its something you really need to stick to. Playing slots online should always be fun, but once the fun stops so should you.