Ten Facts About Eating Disorders You Might Not Have Heard Before

There are so many wrong facts and myths about eating disorders that it’s hard to know the truth from fiction. While I can’t go through all of them one at a time I can bring you ten fact-checked facts about eating disorders that you might or might not have heard before…


Eating Disorders Are Mental Illnesses, Not A Physical One
Eating Disorders Are Mental Illnesses, Not A Physical One

FACT: Eating Disorders Are Mental Illnesses, Not A Physical One

There are so many people out there that try to put peoples eating disorders down to chemical imbalances and other physical factors. While the illness might cause some of those things the disorder itself is a mental illness and a very serious one at that.

The Sooner The Illness Is Recognised, The Quicker The Recovery
The Sooner The Illness Is Recognised, The Quicker The Recovery

FACT: The Sooner The Illness Is Recognised, The Quicker The Recovery

While an eating disorder is not something you can “nip in the bud” it is something that has a much quicker and better chance of a good recovery the sooner someone gets the treatment they need. While the mental recovery could still take the same amount of time, the physical recovery from any damaged caused will be minimalised.

There Isn't Always Physical Signs
There Isn’t Always Physical Signs

FACT: There Isn’t Always Physical Signs

You might think you would spot an eating disorder in a friend or family member based on their physical appearances. Maybe they are too big, or too skinny! But that is simply not the case at all, in fact, in most cases, people will do their best to hide any physical changes they having by changing the types of clothes they are wearing or using makeup to make their faces look fuller. While there are signs to look out they are not always as apparent as you might think.

Eating Disorders Occur All Over The World And In ALL Religions
Eating Disorders Occur All Over The World And In ALL Religions

FACT: Eating Disorders Occur All Over The World And In ALL Religions

There is some terribly false information on the web that says an eating disorder is often down to your religion or the country you are born in! While most people with half a brain know this to be fake news there are still some people that believe it. It really doesn’t matter where you are from and what you believe in, or even what your parents preach. It only matters what is going on inside the persons head at the time the disorder develops.

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There Are Hundreds Of Categories Of Eating Disorders
There Are Hundreds Of Categories Of Eating Disorders

FACT: There Are Hundreds Of Categories Of Eating Disorders

While there are indeed three main official categories of eating disorders “anorexia”, “bulimia” and “EDNOS (Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified” there are hundreds if not thousands of variations of these categories. But it’s a little easier for health professionals if they try and fit most people into one of the three main categories so they know what kind of treatment to start with first.

Men, Women, Ages 1 - 99 Can Develop An Eating Disorder
Men, Women, Ages 1 – 99 Can Develop An Eating Disorder

FACT: Men, Women, Ages 1 – 99 Can Develop An Eating Disorder

And just about everyone in between as well! Yep, there really isn’t any particular sex or age of the person who suffers from an eating disorder. People think it is mostly young females that are troubled by this issue, but the truth is a lot more surprising and the age of people who suffer from it can be a lot more shocking than their sex.

You Will Never Grow Out Of It
You Will Never Grow Out Of It

FACT: You Will Never Grow Out Of It

If there is something that is said over and over its people saying eating disorders are a fad, a phase, something the person will grow out of. This is not only fake, it dangerous for people to presume that. Most people will never get over their eating disorders, they only learn to control it.

Eating Disorders Are ALWAYS Serious
Eating Disorders Are ALWAYS Serious

FACT: Eating Disorders Are ALWAYS Serious

It doesn’t matter if the person has only just started to develop an eating disorder, or they have had it for a few months/years. Anytime a person develops an eating disorder is the best time to get them to seek help, or at least offer them some help and guidance because what might seem like nothing serious then, can quickly become something very serious indeed. So if you always tread someone with an eating disorder as someone in serious need help you can never be wrong…or too late.

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Just About Anything Can Cause Someone To Develop An Eating Disorder
Just About Anything Can Cause Someone To Develop An Eating Disorder

FACT: Just About Anything Can Cause Someone To Develop An Eating Disorder

While you might want to blame social pressure or depression as the main cause of eating disorders the truth is there is not one particular thing that can cause someone to develop one! In fact, some people even suggest that it could be imprinted into your very Genes! If you do see any sign of an eating disorder developing you should ways be safe and talk to someone about it. Or if you see small changes in someone maybe talk to them about it. Even if they are not ready to talk you should always be ready to listen.

Talking To A Therapist Isn't The Only Option
Talking To A Therapist Isn’t The Only Option

FACT: Talking To A Therapist Isn’t The Only Option

You don’t have to talk to a Psychotherapist or a counsellor to get help for an eating disorder, there are other people like a dietician, a doctor or even a close friend that could also help. If you are having troubles try throwing your thoughts and feelings to anyone who will listen, even if that means a Facebook Group or private Twitter Chat. Heck, it could even be a simple comment left on this post. Whatever you do don’t keep things a secret and if you suspect someone of having an eating disorder but are not sure, maybe tell a member of their family, or maybe just someone in local authority.

Author: Gus Barge

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