Ten Fun and Amazing Things From Movies That You Wish Were Real

So, you’re watching a movie like Back to the Future and you’re thinking to yourself “man, why can’t half of this cool stuff be real?” Just for once, it would be amazing to travel back in time with a DeLorean or turn invisible with an Invisibility Cloak.

Let’s face it, it doesn’t matter how amazing today’s gadgets seem, they are nothing compared to the ones that you see in the movies and to be quite frank, they never will be. In fact, it makes me want to throw my 3D TV out of the window along with my iPad as they seem rubbish when compared to those things. I guess the best that I can do is to dream that one day half of the stuff below will get invented (it could be and the government are keeping it on the low down), but until then I guess the only thing I can do is compile lists of things from movies that I simply wish were real…

Things From Movies That You Wish Were Real: The Lightsaber
Things From Movies That You Wish Were Real: The Lightsaber

10 – Lightsaber (Star Wars)

Yes, at first the Lightsaber looks like it’s a free trip to jail card as you chop off your next door neighbour’s head clean off, but the Lightsaber is more than a tool for destruction. How about using it as a knife, a torch, can opener, axe, etc? As you can see, a Lightsaber would have many other practical uses other than its intended purpose.

Things From Movies That You Wish Were Real: A Terminator
Things From Movies That You Wish Were Real: A Terminator

9 – A Terminator (Terminator)

Is someone giving you grief at work? Not with a Terminator they aren’t. Is your kid getting bullied at school? Send them to school with the Terminator and they won’t be bullied any longer. It would be awesome to have your own bodyguard, so why not have one that isn’t only bulletproof, but who has amazing strength and doesn’t need feeding, looking after or more importantly…paying?

Things From Movies That You Wish Were Real: Life Montages
Things From Movies That You Wish Were Real: Life Montages

8 – Montages (Rocky)

So, imagine you wanted to be the next Yo-yo champion yet you don’t have 6 months to learn or you just didn’t want to. If you could harness the power of Montages then within 5 minutes you could be the Yo-yo champion of the world. Imagine if you could pick your song too. How about: Hearts on Fire, She’s on Fire and You’re the Best Around? All of which make excellent Montages songs. Just don’t get carried away, 6 months is a long time to go by in 5 minutes.

Things From Movies That You Wish Were Real: Invisibility Cloak
Things From Movies That You Wish Were Real: Invisibility Cloak

7 – Invisibility Cloak (Harry Potter)

The Invisibility Cloak is the perfect movie item for those of us with dirty minds. However, it would have some other practical uses. When someone calls on you and you don’t what them to know you are in, or you are out and about and you don’t want anyone to recognise you. Simple slip on the Invisibility Cloak and then you disappear. Although it would be cooler to wear the Lord of the Rings ring, it would be kind of dangerous don’t you think with Sauron after you.

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Things From Movies That You Wish Were Real: MIB Neuralizer
Things From Movies That You Wish Were Real: MIB Neuralizer

6 – Neuralizer (Men in Black)

Imagine being able to erase someone’s memory far back as you would like. So that time your mum walked in on you with your hands down your pants…POOF! She has no recollection of it…and any date prior to that moment. Just make sure you wear sunglasses. It would be bad to accidentally catch the Neutralizer’s flash in a background mirror to then come to realise you don’t know who you are anymore.

Things From Movies That You Wish Were Real: The Remote Control from Click
Things From Movies That You Wish Were Real: The Remote Control from Click

5 – Remote Control (Click)

Can’t be bothered to go to church this Sunday? Doesn’t matter…fast-forward! Is your partner shouting at you again? Again…mute! The remote from the movie Click has many funny and practical uses that it will not only entertain you, but it will get you out of the situations that you really don’t want to do, such as having to have sex with your partner.

Things From Movies That You Wish Were Real: The Iron Man Suit
Things From Movies That You Wish Were Real: The Iron Man Suit

4 – Iron Man Suit (Iron Man)

I think it would be easier to say what the suit can’t do compared to what it can. Well, apart from making you a bacon and egg sandwich in the morning it can do everything else quite well. Are you late for work? Get flying! Feel like joining the army? You have the covered, you’re bulletproof. Just feel like messing around? You have lasers built into your hands and that is just the start of the crazy weaponry! Plus as a bonus it would also be fair to say that you wouldn’t have too much trouble getting the ladies – they love Iron Man! Or is it just Robert Downey Jr. that they love?

Things From Movies That You Wish Were Real: DeLorean Time Machine
Things From Movies That You Wish Were Real: DeLorean Time Machine

3 – DeLorean Time Machine (Back to the Future)

Well, any time machine would do, but if you’re going to travel back in time or to the future, you might as well do it in style. You could keep true to the movie and go back in time for a Sports Almanac magazine and become rich betting on sports, or you could simply go to the future and see what has become of the Earth. Hey, you could even go back in time and watch your own birth!

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Things From Movies That You Wish Were Real: Morgan Freemans Voice
Things From Movies That You Wish Were Real: Morgan Freemans Voice

2 – Morgan Freeman Voiceover

I think you will agree that Morgan Freeman has the perfect voiceover voice. He could read the news, talking about how millions of people have died in an earthquake and you would find it not as bad as it sounds due to his voice. Well, imagine if everywhere you went Morgan Freeman was narrating your life out loud! For those who think it may end up being annoying…it’s Morgan Freeman I’m are talking about. But, I guess I will allow people to turn his voice off at will.

Things From Movies That You Wish Were Real: Green Lanterns Power Ring
Things From Movies That You Wish Were Real: Green Lanterns Power Ring

1 – Power Ring (Green Lantern)

Who wouldn’t want the most powerful weapon in the universe! Well, the Power ring is just that. Being the ring-bearer, your willpower is the key; whatever the wearer imagines, the ring will create. As long as you are creative then it’s done. Mmmmm, Mcdonald’s…poof! Technically, with a power ring, you could create all of the items on this top ten list!

What are you waiting for? Add all of them to your Amazon Wish List or get checking on eBay, NOW! You never know they might be out there and people are just too deluded to look. I think someone should create a listing on eBay though just to see if someone is daft enough to fall for it, but I would also imagine that has already happened a hundred times over. Who knows, maybe one day one, or all of these items on this list will indeed be real.

Author: Gus Barge

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