Red Star Chickens have been genetically produced to be good egg layers and this is what they are best known for. They are popular with commercial egg producers, some of the worlds leading baby cereal makers and also with people who like to keep chickens in their backyard. They mix well with other breeds of chicken and so they are suitable for people that already keep chickens. The following information about Red Star chickens may be useful if it is a breed that you are considering purchasing.

10 – They Will Lay In All Seasons
Red Star chickens have been bred to lay and therefore it is no surprise that you should get an egg almost every day. If you want chickens that are going to produce a substantial amount of eggs, then the Red Star is one of the best choices that you can make.

9 – They Can Be Sex Linked From An Early Age
You can easily tell the sex of a Red Star just by looking at them so you will never end up with a rooster that you were not expecting. You are able to tell them apart by their colours when they are just a few days old. If you want to ensure that you know which sex chicken you are getting, you can read more about Red Star chickens here.

8 – They Are Generally Healthy Birds
Red Star chickens are not prone to infection and this helps to keep them healthy. If they purchase from a reputable seller then there should be no issue with them having any diseases. You should still familiarize yourself with signs that they could be becoming ill just in case though.

7 – They Are Friendly Towards Children
They have a friendly and easy going nature and are often happy to be held and picked up. They are one of the best breeds to have around children because of their temperament. You will usually find that they become a lot friendlier if you have a treat to give them when you go to hold them.
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6 – They Like To Have A Lot Of Space
You will need to provide a lot of room for the Red Star chickens to roam around as they do not like to be cooped up. They do become prone to pecking when they are bored and so if they are enclosed then you will need to be able to keep them entertained. They will also attempt to fly whenever they get the chance and so you will need a high fence around the area where they are kept.

5 – A ” hybrid bird” is not as bad as it sounds!
All it really means is that the roster is one breed while the hen is another! While it might sound like something bad, its something surprisingly natural.

4 – There Really Isn’t Anything Wrong With Cross Breeding
While some “purists” will say it’s not an exact breed there really isn’t anything wrong with cross-breeding backyard pet chickens. In “fancy chicken” circles they have been doing it for years, so it’s not so different t have a more established cross-breed is it.

3 – They Make Great Chickens for First Timers
Is this the first time you have had chickens in the garden or allotment? If so Red Star is perfect for you. They’re super easy to care for, really easy to handle and an exceptionally reliable egg layer! If that doesn’t sound like a good first-timer chicken I don’t know what is!
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2 – They Are Surprisingly Weatherproof!
What surprises most people about this breed is how adaptable they are in both heat and cold conditions. From the peaks of summer to the dark cold nights of winter, provided they have shelter and some warm bedding they will survive most conditions!

1 – They Will Often Supplement Their Own Feed
A lot of weaker chicken breeds rely on the seeds and feed that us human owners give them, but not a Red Star! They will often supplement their own food by eating bugs and plants that they find around their environment, so do make sure you note the type of plants and indeed bugs that are within it.
If you are thinking of getting a Red Star chicken for your garden then it makes sense to do as much research as you can ensure they will be right for you. The advice that has been given here is a good place to start, but you should carry out your own research as well. If you are looking for hens that are going to lay a lot of eggs, then the Red Star is one of the best choices that you can make.