While there aren’t too many blood sucking animals around the world they do exist. While some people will call them vampires in disguise I like to call them creature oddities and worthy of some respect. While this list doesn’t cover 1 millionth of the number of blood drinkers out there it does cover the largest of them…
The Top 10 Largest Vampire Bloodsucking Animals in the World

10 – Oxpecker Bird – Average Length: 8.6″ (22 cm)
When it comes to blood drinking animals you would be forgiven for getting the image if a leech or maybe a vampire bat into your mind. But these beautiful Oxpecker birds have red over their beaks for a very good reason!

9 – Tristan Thrush Bird – Average Length: 9″ (23 cm)
Like most other blood drinking birds, these birds sharp beak is used to pierce a hole in various animals, the slow moving the better.

8 – Vampire Ground Finch – Average Length: 11″ (28 cm)
These blood drinking birds aren’t to be confused with meat-eating birds. They will often simply bore a hole into a live animal and drink its blood rather than tear at its flesh, but they have been known to do that as well.

7 – Hood Mockingbird Bird – Average Length: 11″ (28 cm)
Sadly for a lot of these birds, the matter of drinking animal blood is often because it is a good source of nutrients and on smaller islands, those said nutrients can often be hard to come by.
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6 – Vampire Squid – Average Length: 12″ (30 cm)
While it might sound like the stuff of nightmares if is still quite a small animal by human size and only gets to drink the blood of fallen fish most the time, but when it gets the chance it will latch onto a living one for a drink.

5 – Candiru Vampire Catfish – Average Length: 16″ (40 cm)
Also known as the toothpick fish it is a fairly small fresh water fish that is mostly found in the Amazon Basin, but it has bene know to travel far and wide of its original habitat.

4 – Amazon Giant Leech – Average Length: 17.7″ (45 cm)
Thinking of going for a swim in the Amazon River? You might want to think again because this giant-sized bloodsucker can latch on and cause you some serious problems is mere minutes.

3 – Kea Vampire Parrot – Average Length: 19″ (48 cm)
When you think of parrots you will often think of fruit-eating chatting things that are quite lovable. But when your land is mostly covered in snow for a large part of the year you would consider doing what this parrot does to gets its nutrients as well.
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2 – Vampire Bat – Average Length: 35″ (90 cm)
When it comes to vampire animals most people will think of the classic vampire bat. While it does indeed like the taste of blood it also eats a lot of fruit when it gets a chance. Good to know it has such a varied diet.

1 – Sea Lamprey – Average Length: 35.5″ (90 cm)
It’s not only one of the scariest looking creatures in the world, it is also considered one of the nastiest and only likes the blood of fish that are alive! In fact, it will go for just about anything it can latch onto including us, humans! While it isn’t the biggest sea creature it’s still one of the scariest.