It doesn’t matter what form of mental health you suffer with, the chances are good reading a nice book or even a comic can help calm the mind. At the end of the day, it can be hard to concentrate on anything when you are having a “bad day” so what makes reading so good for those situations? Read on and discover more…

It Can Grow Understanding
If you feel out of control and don’t really know why these mental health problems are happening to you it might benefit you to read as much as you can about it. By learning what is wrong with you means you can then read things that will help prepare you. I sadly started the other way around and tried to read books that taught me to control negative thoughts when all along I should have been trying to understand the thoughts in the first place.

Reading Offers an Escape
Sadly most mental health problems mean you are a prisoner in your own mind, but a good book can take you away from it all. Sure, you could always watch a movie, but it won’t be as calming for the mind as much as a good book will.

Reading Can Help You Sleep
I love my smartphone as much as the next nerd, but it is not good for anyone before sleep time. By putting those screen devices down at least an hour before going to bed means you might well sleep longer and better.

Reading Can Increase Your Own Empathy
When you watch a movie how many times can you really say you really understand how the character is feeling? I bet the answer to that is not many. Reading puts you into the characters shoes and helps you understand what they are thinking and feeling as the story commences. This, in turn, should help your own level of empathy grow.
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It Can Make Things Seem Less Scary
By taking the time to read books based on the form of mental health you suffer from means you won’t be as scared of those darker moments. They say knowledge is power and reading a book is the perfect way to grow that power.

Reading Can Reduce Stress
By reading a good book for at least 10 minutes a day has been shown to reduce stress levels by up to 60%! This will also help you to relax even when you are having a bad day and can even help your body slow it’s breathing down.

Reading Can Improve Your Memory
Why is this good for your mental health? Because studies have shown a strong mind that is exercised most days can endure a lot more stress and therefore enable the mind to deal with those more severe mental health breakdowns.

Reading Helps Reduce Anxiety
Sadly suffering from anxiety is something most people with mental health will endure, but carrying a book around with you gives you somewhere to escape too. Consider it a safety blanket that you can’t live without and you will lower your own anxiety simply by carrying the book around wherever you go!
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Reading Is Less Triggering Than Watching TV
Two of the most common triggers people suffer from is visual flashbacks and audio flashbacks. By reading a book you are far less likely to be triggered because they are using the words in the right context of your mind that means you are more understanding of what they mean.

Reading Can Improve Linguistic Intelligence
This is part of growing your own intelligence and understanding, but it does deserve a mention on its own due to its usefulness when dealing with mental health issued. By increasing your vocabulary you will be better able to tell the therapist and doctors exactly what you are going through. This could result in shorter recovery times and better relationships with loved ones and family because you can put across how you are feeling far better.
Do you enjoy reading books? Do you find they help you to relax? Do please let me know in the comments below.