Ten of the Very Worst Photoshop Movie Posters You Will Ever See

Ok, so off the bat. Even though my Photoshop skills are never going to be second to none and the posters are way better than anything I personally could come up with. That isn’t an excuse to cut corners when trying to promoting a film. Then again, you may not even notice how bad some of the following are – or care – but they are funny to look at once you’ve noticed how imperfect they actually are.

I am only going to point out the obvious flaws with the following photoshop bodge jobs. But I am sure you photoshop junkies could rip them to pieces. The phrase “something just ain’t right here” is what you should be thinking as soon as you look at the posters. So to alliterate, I don’t care about a leg being 1mm too long or a missing eyelash.

Good Luck Chuck Movie Poster
Good Luck Chuck Movie Poster

10 – Good Luck Chuck Movie Poster

The poster consists of three layers: The Bed, Jessica Alba and Dane Cook. All of which have been layered on the top of each other in that order. The slogan on the poster “true loves has never been so hard” should have been “Photoshop has never looked so bad”. You think that Dane Cook wanted to have his Biceps bigger? I bet he asked.

Everybody’s Fine Movie Poster
Everybody’s Fine Movie Poster

9 – Everybody’s Fine Movie Poster

It looks like all the budget when on airbrushing the actors (especially Robert De Niro) and there was none left for the tree. Just like the Hall Pass poster, the props in this poster are not in proportion. Yes, I am talking about the camera. The image on the camera should be straight with the horizon and not tilted.

Two Lovers Movie Poster
Two Lovers Movie Poster

8 – Two Lovers Movie Poster

I get the whole “torn between the two” idea. And that they aren’t all going to be looking in one another’s eyes. But Vinessa Shaw and Gwyneth Paltrow are not looking at Joaquin Phoenix in a believable way, which screams photoshop fail. The light shining on Joaquin shoulders and face just isn’t right either.

Midnight in Paris Movie Poster
Midnight in Paris Movie Poster

7 – Midnight in Paris Movie Poster

The psychedelic effect was probably intended for the poster, but I also can’t help but think it’s like having an Acid trip around Paris. Maybe: Off Your Heard Around Paris may have been a more suiting title for the film.

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X-Men: First Class Movie Poster
X-Men: First Class Movie Poster

6 – X-Men: First Class Movie Poster

My own Photoshop skills are very limited, but I feel that I could have done a much better job. In fact, I could create this in Microsoft Paint. Simplicity can be the key. But if you are advertising a huge franchise such as X-Men that it is all about the action and the poster needs to portray this.

Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2 Movie Poster
Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 2 Movie Poster

5 – Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 2 Movie Poster

“After 3 everyone raise a leg and I will take a picture.” The characters of the Twilight Saga are not running at all in this poster and are static. I can also see no shadows, which may have made the poster more convincing. As the Twilight posters go, they have saved the worst for last.

The Penthouse Movie Poster
The Penthouse Movie Poster

4 – The Penthouse Movie Poster

Everything is wrong here and is why it deserved to be number one on my top 10 worst movie poster fails list. When you wish to place a cropped image on another background and it doesn’t look right, the usual protocol is to use a shadow effect – this technique wasn’t used sparingly. Every single person and item were all placed together terribly to make this “eye-appealing” poster.

Hall Pass Movie Poster
Hall Pass Movie Poster

3 – Hall Pass Movie Poster

Wow! Are we all supposed to believe that’s Owen Wilson’s hand? Well, it could be. But it’s definitely not attached to his body in the movie poster. This poster (and to be fair most of the ones on this list) use what we can only describe as a “polished look.” I’m not playing Grand Theft Auto for the PS2, so I don’t want to see cartoon-like graphics.

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The Whole Ten Yards Movie Poster
The Whole Ten Yards Movie Poster

2 – The Whole Ten Yards Movie Poster

What do you get when you take everyone’s picture separately and then try and make it look like it was a group shot? The above of course. The heights are all messed up and their faces look animated. Also, has Bruce got a woman’s leg? And to think that Bruce Willis was in omy Top 10 Action Heroes of The 90s list. Then to finish it off, Kevin Pollak just looks out of place.

Gullivers Travel Movie Poster
Gullivers Travel Movie Poster

1 – Gullivers Travel Movie Poster

I simply can’t help but stare at Jack Black’s face. You know why? Because it’s not real! The only conclusion is either the person involved loves Planet of the Apes (Jack’s mouth) along with Polar Express (Jack’s face). Or they learnt a new technique over the weekend and went crazy with it.

For those of you who are thinking “there is nothing wrong with some of these”. What I have to say to you is: Please, don’t buy Photoshop or ever think you want to make film posters. The world is littered with you as is.

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