People often take pictures of their pet cats, but these ten images are all perfectly timed to capture something in the background or foreground. Sometimes it makes the cat look rather peculiar, but they are all worth a smile or two…

10 – Food Lover
This is a classic perfectly timed cat picture. It almost as if the cat on the food packaging is the cat behind it as well! Maybe they are one and the same.

9 – Me As Myself
This picture took me a while to realise, but it has to be said the drawing/painting is pretty good as well!

8 –Bag Puss
Has this cat been working out? Because those are some pretty muscular body forms!

7 – Earth Invader
I hope this alien cat comes in peace. Or will at least take some luxury kitty nibbles as a peace offering between our worlds.
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6 – Slurper
Not even David Blaine can do this, this is master illusionist Harry Pawdini at his finest.

5 – 100m Purr
And in lane ten we have Usain Paws. He is in peak physical condition this week thanks to finally coughing up that hairball.

4 – Spectacles Check
Yes, even cats have to go to the opticians sometimes. Seems this cat went for something a little vintage.

3 –Sock it to me!
You know you love cats a little too much when you start wearing cat socks!
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2 – I moustache you a question!
Looking for a 15th-century gentleman is not hard when you have bedposts that look like this.

1 – Oh Dear
It’s not the antlers that are the strangest part, it’s those wide ears!