While still not pleasant for the poor animals, cats can afford to lose a leg in accidents or illness because of the way they walk. But these cats only seem to have one leg! Well, that’s what it looks like anyway…

10 – Foot and Mouth
OK, so it’s a photoshop job, but it is still weird but kinda funny. If only the foot wasn’t so hairy they might have got away with it!

9 – The Claw
All you need is one good claw to do a lot of damage, and besides, this kitty seems to be doing pretty well using his mouth only!

8 – Reach out and Touch me
One lone claw is all it takes to ruin a good game of hide ‘n’ seek. Or failing that it is really handy when playing catch the moving object.

7 – Tall and Proud
When you hop around on only one leg it is a little bit harder to stay out of the mud. But this clever kitty has that problem well and truly sorted.
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6 – The Claw
You don’t need any more than one leg to feed yourself if you are a cat. in fact as long as you have one long paw you don’t even have to be in the same room as the food!

5 – “Here Miss”
Having only one leg doesn’t stop Harvey here answering his name call. I don’t think the tongue out is completely necessary, in fact, it looks a bit rude!

4 –Colin the Cleaner
He might only have one leg, but he likes to keep it clean. So people say he bites his other legs off for being too dirty! Others say that he only washes the one leg.

3 – Peeping Tom
He might only have one leg, which only leaves you wondering how on earth he can climb up there! Some say he can fly, others say he has more than one leg that he never shows anyone.
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2 – Hop Along Helen
She lost her legs in a horrific alcoholic tuna eating party and woke up like this with only one leg! But she says it was a great party and would have done it again given the chance.

1 – Boot Leg Bill
The good thing about hopping around on only one leg means you get 50% off shoes! Although some haggling might be needed.