If you think that smooth, clear, flawless skin is solely the gift of nature, you are definitely mistaken. It seems like people 21st century do their best for us to have a disgusting look and to pass away more quickly. All the poisonous emissions, radiation, the lack of sleep are those factors we cannot avoid being affected. No wonder you cannot date anybody longer than a month. That is why boasting a good natural skin colour with no rashes or pimples is the result of everyday work – the skin care. Of course, earning for a living, taking care of the family, browsing through Instagram, looking at Russian brides for hours; vital procedures in the morning is the maximum you can dedicate your time to. However, is it enough? Your face is a brand of yours, an indicator that presents you to other 8 billion and makes it easier to find a soul mate. Are you sure being a despicable person in their eyes is what you truly want?
Well, let’s begin with the best and the most useful tips for you to have a stunning look if you either a male or a female. Let’s go…

1 – You are what you eat
Nothing else will actually work if you do not start eating healthy food. The effect of oats and nuts is something you will notice in a week. The morning must start with a wholesome cereal that will make your skin colour smoother. Being lazy, ask your date to make it. What is more, you will notice how much energy will fill you right after taking in several spoons of healthy food. Try to avoid the “bad” food as well. There is even a world’s trend to say “No” to gluten, GMOs and other artificial meals. Be trendy!

2 – Do not rub your face with usual towels
You wonder why, right? Even if you wash your towels every two weeks, just imagine how much of dust, left makeup and billions of bacteria cover it during the night in a moisture environment. Every morning and every night (of course, we hope you rinse it as often) you put it on your face. Just buy the box of paper napkins and use the fresh one every day. No microbes on your face, fewer chances to wake up with a new pimple.

3 – Ice cubes
We continue our morning routine with rubbing ice cubes (it can be coffee or chamomile tea). It will lead to vessel constriction and that means better skin colour and fresh look. It works as a contrast shower and is one of the eternal youth secrets. It can bring so much doing it with your loved one.

4 – Rinse-tonic-cream
A basic scheme for any girl that must stick to. No excuses accepted! (Of course, except the doctor’s recommendations)
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5 – Vitamins group B
These vitamins have a nice effect on health in general. Hair, nails and face skin will thank you for these amazing pills in weeks. Of course, if you prefer natural treatments, go ahead and find on the net some products necessary to take in in your particular case.

6 – Put on SPF crèmes
Do not put on too much and use it beneath your foundation if you’re a girl. As a man use it after shaving before leaving home if it is sunny outside. Photo-ageing is a problem only laser therapy in dermatologists can fix. Therefore, be careful and avoid too much of sunrays.

7 – Sleep well
7,8 or 10…Let’s be honest. The amount of hours depends on you. Try to go to bed at different times and watch your mental and physical activities. Your feelings are the best indicators. 6 hours or less will make you look like a grandparent. If looking 10 years older is perfect for you, go on then.

8 – Pillowcases
Pick the ones of high quality. You spend sleeping of that fibre 8 hours. If you can afford, silk is the best option. More time before your face gets wrinkled. If you are more broke that rich, pay attention to your pillowcases or sheets are not too synthetic and have no embroidery that irritates your body. Your skin and the skin of your date will thank you.
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9 – Water
That is so hugely important! Water is what makes us look beautiful and clean. Every morning have a glass of still water with lemon, the natural detoxication. However, better avoid drinking any liquids during an hour before sleep.

10 – Massage
The last one is very easy. Every time you rinse your face or have a shower, use special brushes or even your hands and gently rub your skin in directions you may find all over the net. Congested skin never looks attractive.