Stay on top of your dental hygiene with one from this collection of the most unusual, innovative and creative toothbrush designs. Whether you use a manual or electronic, you will probably find your old toothbrush a little boring after seeing this lot…

10 – Super Mario – Buy Now on Amazon: >> Click Here <<
If you can think of a video game character or cartoon character there is probably a toothbrush themed around them. But I like Mario so it makes this top 10.

9 – Finger – Buy Now on Amazon: >> Click Here <<
When some people have no time to brush their teeth they will often give them a quick rub with their finger, well why not go all the way and brush them with this!

8 – Rinser – Buy Now on Amazon: >> Click Here <<
Solving the age-old problem of almost breaking your neck trying to get some water in your mouth just to rinse! Well, that’s one problem out the way.

7 – Issa – Buy Now on Amazon: >> Click Here <<
This toothbrush is designed to be ultra-hygienic to prevent bacteria buildup. In fact, it claims to be 35X more hygienic than regular toothbrushes!
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6 – Banana – Buy Now on Amazon: >> Click Here <<
I know it’s an infant’s teething toothbrush, but I can’t help but feel a little jealous. Why can’t I have a banana toothbrush!?

5 – Lady Gaga – Buy Now on Amazon: >> Click Here <<
I am all for singers making money from merchandising, but only Lady Gaga could make money selling singing toothbrushes!

4 – Gun – Buy Now on Amazon: >> Click Here <<
Fighting tooth decay in the wild, wild west was not quite as simple as it is these days. So brush like a cowboy and brush from the hip.

3 – Guitar – Buy Now on Amazon: >> Click Here <<
Brush your toothypegs like a real rockstar with the Guitar shaped toothbrush. Just a shame it didn’t have strings to floss with as well!
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2 – Sonic Screwdriver – Buy Now on Amazon: >> Click Here <<
Plaque is a film of bacteria that coats your teeth over time, and the time lord is here to fight them off with the use of his trusted screwdriver.

1 – Light Sabres – Buy Now on Amazon: >> Click Here <<
Battle decay and tooth diseases with a light sabre and use the same force that dentists have! Well, they have a drill, but you get my point.