Getting a kiss for valentines day is easy if you have a partner. But what if you have a house full of cats? You can’t invite anyone back, and besides who needs boyfriends or girlfriends when you have cat friends?! Because every cat owner knows cats are the best friends you can have…

10 – The Making out Marquee
This kitty looks like he wants his money back. Well, sorry kitty no refunds here.

9 – The Necking Shop
Has this kitty got a moustache?!? If so I expect half price off.

8 – Snogging Store
I hope that death stare this kitty is giving me is a sign of affection.

7 – Sucking Face Franchise
For that sort of money, this kitty had better be good!
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6 – Tongue Wrestling Workhouse
This booth looks a little cheap and besides, the cat is almost asleep! Maybe it has been a slow day.

5 – Tonsil Hockey House
This kitty is very professional and even has a menu! I’ll take a nose boop and a head butt, please!

4 – First Base Boutique
This kitty seems a little young, so just a peck on the cheek for me.

3 – The Pash Post Office
This kitty has been earning money like them for years. It’s only her owner who buys the kisses, but it is still a good earner.
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2 – The Canoodle Condo
Two Crunchies per kiss! Have you seen the price on them these days? I think I will go somewhere else.

1 – The Saliva Swap Shop
You know this kitty is a stubborn kisser when he wouldn’t even knock the price down to half price for the sake of one penny!