Having a party this Halloween? Why not serve your guests some of these amazing Deviled egg bites that are all styled and shaped to look like something Halloween themed. They might look foul and disgusting, but just like the kids at Halloween it is just a mask and they do taste a lot better than they look. Easter isn’t the only time to enjoy eggs…

10 – Black
To make these blackened eggs you just need a touch of food colouring. Oh! And some boiled eggs obviously.

9 – Pumpkins
These pumpkin deviled eggs are really simple to make and look just as good as they taste!

8 – Tea Marbled
These amazing eggs could be just about anything, but taste really good as well. I would personally say they where snake eggs or something like that.

7 – Brains
It’s normal Zombies that are constantly craving brains, but with these on a plate so will your guests!
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6 – Little Devil
These devilishly cute snacks are not that hard to make and would be perfect for any dark, scary night party.

5 – Skeletons
Using nothing more than a plastic drinking straw to poke the holes out these look amazing! You could do any number of scary movie masks this way. Anyone up for making Michael Myers eggs?

4 – Green
If you are looking to go all out on the gross looking food table these will surely win you the scary food of the night prize.

3 – Knife
These are not much more than some Deviled eggs with a blob of ketchup and some candy knives!
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2 – Spiders
Using black olives as the spiders these eggs look really cool like a real spider sat on an egg sack!

1 – Eyeballs
Eggs cut in half are the perfect shape for eyes and this Halloween these eyeballs will go quicker than a monster at the opticians.