Ten Facts About Borderline Personality Disorder You Might Not Know

Ten Facts About Borderline Personality Disorder You Might Not Know
Ten Facts About Borderline Personality Disorder You Might Not Know

You may or may not have heard of the mental health disorder they call BPD, but these ten facts are not known by most people, even those who suffer from it! I have fact-checked as much as I can to make sure these are accurate, truthful and as interesting as I could find…


There Are 4 Main Types of BPD

While some people have more than one type, everyone with BPD can fit into one of these four categories: Discouraged Borderline, Impulsive Borderline, Petulant Borderline and Self-Destructive Borderline. You can read a lot more about each type in this article >> Click Here <<

Borderline Personality Disorder Can Be Hereditary

While a lot of people with BPD have indeed suffered some underline event that has caused them to have it, some people get it because someone in their family does! That is why it is so important to talk to family members about your disorder and find out if they know anyone who might have had it in your close family. Even if the answer is no it will alert them moving forward in case someone else gets it.

Borderline Personality Disorder is Often Uncurable

There is no single way to get rid of BPD and no set course of medication nor therapy that will help you control it. Each person with BPD is different and needs a unique set of therapy and medication to gain control of it. That is why a lot of therapists refuse to take people on with BPD as there is nothing they can do. But the good news is some people do gain control of it and I should know, I am one of them!

Almost Everyone With BPD Will Fain Control of it in The End

While it is often seen as uncurable the good news is most people will learn to live with it (myself included) but this is often not through therapy nor medication, but learning self-awareness and learning to accept it rather than fighting it. But this will often happen much later in life if you don’t have professional help and advice. So the earlier you get that the better.

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People With BPD Are Always Their Own Worse Enemy

You don’t have to be the ‘Self-Destructive Borderline’ in order to be your own worse enemy as most types are often lead to self-destructive behaviour. Maybe it is driving like a lunatic, being promiscuous, alcohol and substance abuse or even self-abuse! Then there are the “not-worthy” feelings thrown in on top which often means people with BPD won’t get the help they need because of the BPD! It’s a vicious circle for sure.

There is Always Help Out There For People WIth BPD

While it is not always the professional help that should be out there, there is always some form of help for all sufferers of BPD. From support groups to chat lines, Facebook pages to Twitter hashtags. There is always someone you can talk to about BPD, you just need to know where to look.

It is Thought 1% of The Whole World Has BPD!

A lot of BPD sufferers often feel alone, but there is no need as it is believed as much as 1% of the entire population of the world could suffer from it! While that figure is much higher in developing contries with more and more contries growing in both size and technological abilities the numbers do spread out across the whole world which is quite scary, but also oddly comforting to a BPD sufferer.

Anyone At Any Age From Anywhere Can Get BPD

While a lot of teenagers get diagnosed with BPD there is a growing number of adults (30+) who also suffer from BPD. You could get it tomorrow if someone traumatic happened to you, or you could already have it because a member of your family has it and no, it doesn’t matter what country you are from, nor what sex you are and of course it doesn’t even matter what type of life you have had leading up to being diagnosed with it! Some people are fine one day and BPD suffering the next.

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75% of People Diagnosed With BPD Are Female

While that number is accurate statistically it might not be the true numbers at all. Given that men often see mental health problems as a weakness it is no wonder they are more reluctant to get help or even a diagnosis. But coincidently as more and more awareness of BPD is put out there the number of males being diagnosed with BPS is growing significantly.

Some People With BPD See it as a Gift!

And we end this post with a real doozy. There is a small group of people with BPD who see their disorder not as a curse, but as a gift! While I am firmly on the “curse” side of it I can understand why people might believe that given the often unheard benefits of having Borderline Personality Disorder.

Well, I hope you enjoyed this post and if you have any more facts about BPD you would like to share with everyone do leave a comment in the box below.

Author: Gus Barge

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