Because cats are a little more refined than dogs it is sadly often left to our canine friends to play dress-up at Christmas time. So with let’s give out a little sympathy as we see some poor dogs who have owners that just wanted a Reindeer for Christmas…

10 – Hipsters
We start this list with an image that is quite frankly a little scary. These two dogs look like they’ve been turned into giraffes rather than reindeer! But I suppose that is what you get when you knit your own pets reindeer costume.

9 – Don’t look now Fido, it’s behind you!!
Poor pooch looks like he’s being eaten by this rather unfortunate Reindeer costume, Maybe next year they might end his torment, and leave him alone, but judging by this season’s effort the poor little mite is going to end up in an elf costume or far, far worse

8 – If Lady GaGA had a Reindeer dog…….
He might be surrounded by gifts and Christmas cheer, but this poor pup looks like he could do without all the festive razzamatazz. Talking of razz, what is up with that red nose, please say that is photoshopped, maybe he would be happier if he didn’t have antlers that look like lobster claws!

7 – REINDEER, REINDEER, I auditioned for the Lion King, get my agent!
It was always going to cause problems when your jumper is too small, and your antlers are too big, seriously these would look better on a Great Dane than this little fellow, It’s not the antlers that are causing the eye disturbance in this photo, it’s that offensive too small festive jumper, dress him up by all means, but make sure it fits the poor mite
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6 – Antler Attitude
If this dog could talk I am sure he would tell people to take his choice of winter ware seriously! But whatever he is thinking or indeed wants to say his image is priceless in only for his blank look.

5 – Cross Breeds
I can’t be the only person seeing this image who can’t work out where the dog begins and the costume ends! Being super fluffy I guess means you can blend in with things including headgear.

4 – Bare
Not only doesn’t this dog get a festive background but he doesn’t get a proper set of reindeer antlers! From the looks of it, he only gets twigs and some string to hold it on with. Hard times it seems even in the dog costume department.

3 – Snow Bound
The reindeer costume is not great in this image, and the dog does not all that happy to be wearing it. But I still think this is one of the most beautiful images of a reindeer dog you are ever gonna see. The snow, the costume, the dog it makes for a wonderful scene.
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2 – Look-a-likes
Is it just me or do these two dogs really look like 2 little reindeer? Maybe it is the breed of dog they are all the quality of the costume I really can’t decide. No matter what way I look at it, it is creepy, end of.

1 – Shock
For sheer funny value, only this image gets my vote as number 1. Never before or probably again will you see such a strange reaction to having Reindeer antlers put on a dogs head, the poor thing looks truly disgusted at it. Maybe he wanted a Santa hat instead.