Ten Classic Harlem Shake Parody Videos That Still Make Me Smile

The Harlem Shake might be a thing of the past, but its the hundreds of parody videos that still make me smile. It seems everyone was making one once upon a time and with so many to watch I thought I would save you some time and bring you ten of the very best Harlem Shake parody videos you will ever see…

10 – Harlem Shake – UGA Men’s Swim & Dive Team

Everything is just more fun underwater isn’t it? This Harlem Shake by Georgia-Mens Swimming Diving team must have taken some effort. I mean, I can’t even keep myself under the water for more than a few minutes, so I can’t imagine how this lot did it for so long.

9 – Harlem Shake – SeaWorld San Antonio

Do you think the SeaWorld centre waiting until closing time to kick the Harlem Shake, or was it through the day? Either way, it sure looks like a fun and safe environment to work. But I’m are sure there will have been at least one miserable person who refused to get involved though – there is always one.


8 – Harlem Shake – Nicolas Cage Edition

Wow! There are too many Nicholas Cage clips in one place. The Nicholas Cage version was uploaded by Youtuber who goes by the name Callback and the video frankly doesn’t have enough views.

7 – Harlem Shake – Army Addition

What do you think the Norwegian Army do when their sergeant isn’t around? Silly, that was a rhetorical question – it was obviously the Harlem Shake. If you take the time to watch everyone’s actions in the video you will notice there is a lot to take in, but you should notice a few LOL gems in there – especially with the guy in the duffle bag.

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6 – Harlem Shake – Six Pack Shortcuts Style

For those of you who don’t go to gyms, this video is exactly what happens in them. Mike Chang, the guy who brings you six-pack shortcuts and teaches you how to get as big and ripped as him, also created his own Workout Harlem Shake. Oh, take note of the guy in the middle who is throwing his protein shake everywhere.

5 – Harlem Shake (Black Edition)

Comedian commentator Olajide started making videos back in 2006. Although he is known for his funny cometary over Fifa games, he also uploads other content such as asking awkward questions to members of the public. The genuinely funny guy whose use of words would give your Granny a heart attack has also created his own his own Harlem Shake he has called “Black Edition”. Nice touch with the milk.

4 – Harlem Shake – Fail

For those of you who wait until your girlfriend has left the house so you can ransack her bedroom, this is what could happen to you. And yes, the guy in the corner seems to be taking a widdle in that other guy’s mouth which is truly weird. Introducing Swedish Youtuber PewDiePie, who loves to share meme reviews on YouTube with his fans!

3 – Harlem Shake – SourceFed Edition

SourceFed is long gone, but it once jumped on the Harlem Shake craze. I’m not sure about you guys, but there is one person in particular in this video that had my undivided attention all the way through the video. You might also notice the Chinese guy on the exercise ball in the corner eating a burrito.

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2 – Harlem Shake – English Boys

JaackMaate (a weekly Vlogger) and his gang decided to take The Harlem Shake and sex it up a bit – literary. I just feel sorry for the lad with the sock who obviously drew the short straw.

1 – Harlem Shake – The Node Edition

The Chinese guy in this video did something we were probably all thinking at the time of its popularity. Just like Gangnam before it sometimes you can simply get sick and tired of hearing a song played over and over, but yet…some of these videos still make me smile.

Author: Gus Barge

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