Nosey neighbours do it, and it seems cats do it as well. Peeking through blinds is a past-time a lot of people enjoy doing. So is this just cats copying us human owners, or are cats naturally nosey?!? Let’s hope curiosity doesn’t kill them as we take a look at…

10 – They’re mowing their lawn…yet again!
It seems curiosity might not always kill the cat, but it does lead them to peek out of windows and all sorts of other things. Makes you wonder what they are looking at!

9 – What you looking at?
I’m not sure if this cat is happy to see its human owner or waiting to attack them! Pulling down on the blind like that he will break it, but that is for a different post.

8 – They’re at it again!
Be it us humans nosing at what the neighbours are up to, or a cat doing the same thing, but trying to spot what a bird or squirrel is doing they really are the same thing!

7 – Soon
From seeing all these cats peeking through blinds I have learnt one thing. Cats peeking out does look funny, but peeking inside looks kind of weird, in an Alfred Hitchcock kind of way.
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6 – Peekaboo, I See You!
Sometimes cats can be a little bit…scary. Peeking through a blind is one thing, making it look creepy like this is a whole different ballpark.

5 – Neighbourhood Watch
I am not sure what this cat is looking at, but I really want to know! Probably a pigeon or something, but I would have to take a look just in case it really was something interesting.

4 – Tiny Peeking
This is probably the perfect “Soon” meme. The cat looks like it will wait until you asleep then do unspeakable things! Who needs horror movies when you have cats like this.

3 – I know you’re in there!
Now this is just creepy, and that is why it was first seen in my post “Top 10 Creepy Cats“, and still a good shot of a cat peeking for this post as well.
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2 – Moody Peeking
While not as funny as many of the image you have seen so far I think this is one of the best I have seen. The quality of it is amazing from the lighting to the overall mood of it.

1 – Head Show
This is, without a doubt the best image of a cat peeking through blinds. The fact that the sun casts a shadow is a bonus, but just the cat’s head would have still been funny.