Category: Upcycling and Recycling

Ten Amazing Garden Sheds Made From Recycled Things

These days you can buy a shed for pennies at many garden shops, but why…

Ten Amazing Wine Racks Made From Recycled Things

You could grab yourself a cheap wine rack from IKEA, or you could make it…

Ten Amazing Office Desks Made From Recycled Things

Are you thinking of getting a new office desk? If you are you might want…

Ten Amazing Stationery Holders Made From Recycled Things

While you could buy a stationary holder online it will be more fun and much…

Ten Amazing Picture Frames Made From Recycled Things

With everyone taking more and more pictures with their smartphones there really isn’t a lot…

Ten Garden Benches Made From Recycled Things

With summer coming up thick and fast you might want to consider getting a new…

Ten Amazing Armchairs Made From Recycled Things

We have already seen some pretty amazing sofas made from various recycled materials, but now…

Ten Amazing Coffee Tables Made From Recycled Things

While an Ikea coffee table doesn’t cost much you could try and make one of…

Ten Amazing Garden Fences Made From Recycled Things

For most people, a garden fence is little more than something to mark the boundaries…

Ten Amazing Sofas Made From Recycled Things

It doesn’t matter if you call it a sofa or a couch, what matters is…

Ten Amazing Beds Made From Recycled Things

While it is nice to go out and buy a new bed you might want…

10 Helpful Ideas in Managing Your Trash at Home

Not long ago, researches showed that each person generates 4.5 pounds of waste daily. Based…

Ten Amazing Ways to Recycle and Reuse a Pizza Box

Seeing as I care so much for the environment I thought I would bring you…

Ten Amazing Things You Can Make With Tin Cans and Drinks Cans

The usual protocol after drinking a can of pop (if you’re American, a can of…

Ten Things to Can Make and Do With a Wooden Cable Reel

Have you ever seen those large cable spools that have industrially sized cable wrapped around…

Ten of the Very Best Things to Make and Do With Old Tractor Tyres

While 99.9% of people reading this won’t work on a farm there are other ways…