OK, so it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to work out that The Sun is the brightest, but could you name even 1 or two others? Thought not, that is where this list of the brightest stars in the night sky comes into it and it helps us shed a light on this space sized question…

10 – Achernar
Common Name: Achernar
Constellation: Eridanus
Apparent Magnitude: 0.46
Absolute Magnitude: -1.3
Distance from Earth: 69 light-years

9 – Procyon
Common name: Procyon
Constellation: Canis Minor
Apparent Magnitude: 0.38
Absolute Magnitude: 2.6
Distance from Earth: 11.4 light-years

8 – Rigel
Common name: Rigel
Constellation: Orion
Apparent Magnitude: 0.12
Absolute Magnitude: -8.1
Distance from Earth: 1,400 light-years

7 – Capella
Common name: Capella
Constellation: Auriga
Apparent Magnitude: 0.08
Absolute Magnitude: 0.4
Distance from Earth: 41 light-years
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6 – Vega
Common name: Vega
Constellation: Lyra
Apparent Magnitude: 0.03
Absolute Magnitude: 0.6
Distance from Earth: 25 light-years

5 – Arcturus
Common name: Arcturus
Constellation: Boötes
Apparent Magnitude: -0.04
Absolute Magnitude: 0.2
Distance from Earth: 34 light-years

4 – Rigil Kentaurus (Alpha Centauri)
Common name: Rigil Kentaurus (Alpha Centauri)
Constellation: Centaurus
Apparent Magnitude: -0.27
Absolute Magnitude: 4.4
Distance from Earth: 4.3 light-years

3 – Canopus
Common name: Canopus
Constellation: Carina
Apparent Magnitude: -0.72
Absolute Magnitude: -2.5
Distance from Earth: 74 light-years
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2 – Sirius
Common name: Sirius
Constellation: Canis Major
Apparent Magnitude: -1.46
Absolute Magnitude: 1.4
Distance from Earth: 8.6 light-years

1 – Sun
Common name: Sun
Constellation: N/A
Apparent Magnitude: -26.72
Absolute Magnitude: 4.2
Distance from Earth: 93 million miles