The Top 10 Most Common Elements in the Entire Known Universe

While most people will know that hydrogen makes up around 75% of the entire universe, what you might not know is some of these other common elements that are still essential life and each one has it’s own vital role to play in our us humans, animals, plants, planet Earth and even the universe itself is shaped…



10 – Sulphur (Abundance measured relative to silicon: 0.38)

This chemical element with symbol S and atomic number 16 is the first in this list, and yet it is still in abundance.


9 – Iron (Abundance measured relative to silicon: 0.6)

Its chemical element symbol is ‘Fe’ and it is atomic number 26. Common it might be, but it also helps that it forms much of Earth’s outer and inner core.


8 – Magnesium (Abundance measured relative to silicon: 0.91)

Its chemical element symbol is ‘Mg’ and its atomic number is 12. What is so amazing about this element is that it is often formed when stars explode as supernovas!


7 – Silicon (Abundance measured relative to silicon: 1)

Its chemical element symbol is ‘Si’ and its atomic number is 14. This blue-grey metalloid very rarely occurs as the pure element in the Earth’s crust, but rather ends up distributed inside many other things like plants.

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6 – Carbon (Abundance measured relative to silicon: 3.5)

Its chemical element symbol is ‘C’ and it’s atomic is number 6. One of the best things this element makes has to be diamonds.


5 – Nitrogen (Abundance measured relative to silicon: 6.6)

Its chemical element symbol is ‘N’ and its atomic number is 7. First discovered by Scottish physician Daniel Rutherford, it is present in both nitric acid and nitrates.


4 – Neon (Abundance measured relative to silicon: 8.6)

It’s chemical element symbol is ‘Ne’ and it has the atomic number 10. Needless to say, this makes great lights!


3 – Oxygen (Abundance measured relative to silicon: 22)

Its chemical element symbol is ‘O’ and its atomic number is 8. Without it, we would not be alive! But that doesn’t mean it is exclusive to Earth.

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2 – Helium (Abundance measured relative to silicon: 3,100)

It has the chemical element symbol ‘He’ and the atomic number 2. It is also colourless, odourless, tasteless, non-toxic and its boiling point is the lowest among all the elements! Oh…and it makes balloons float.


1 – Hydrogen (Abundance measured relative to silicon: 40,000)

Its chemical element symbol is ‘H’ and its atomic number is 1. It is also the lightest element on the periodic table and the abundant chemical substance in the known Universe.

Author: Gus Barge

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