While it is nice to go out and buy a new bed you might want to consider making your own from recycled or upcycled things. The ten beds you are about to see are all made from such things, from pallets to things you wouldn’t have thought you could use in a million years…

Wooden Pallets – Original Source Used: >> Click Here <<
While this idea is not new it is one of the easiest on this list. You just need to make sure your pallets are strange enough and maybe give them a good sanding down before use. But other than that it is simply a matter of placing them down and putting the mattress on them.

Old Cars – Original Source Used: >> Click Here <<
I have already shown you some of these beds in THIS POST, but this old VW Bettle bed has to be my favourite. All I will say is that this will take a lot of work and some skill with a welding torch.

Cinder Blocks – Original Source Used: >> Click Here <<
While it isn’t going to be the softest of beds it will be one of the strongest on this list and you will be surprised at how supportive these blocks can be. Its not just beds they make, they also make pretty good planters (SEE HERE).

Aircraft Parts – Original Source Used: >> Click Here <<
To be honest, I am not sure how you would get hold of these parts to make this bed, but if you can they do seem to make a pretty stylish bed. Personally, I am not fussed on the circular design, but it is still a good idea.
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Pallets and Wine Crates – Original Source Used: >> Click Here <<
I know we have already had a pallet bed on this list already, but this one with repurposed wine crates for storage was well worth a mention.

Storage Shelves – Original Source Used: >> Click Here <<
If you have been renovating a room with a lot of storage shelves in it you might want to hold them back to make a rather handy bed with loads of storage underneath. You could even just get the storage units new and just make a bed with them.

Reclaimed Wood – Original Source Used: >> Click Here <<
You will need a lot of wood lying around to make this bed, but you could use wood from pallets, old furniture and just about anything else you can come across that will help you make the layers needed for this bed.

Lego – Original Source Used: >> Click Here <<
I suppose if you glue each piece together this might work, but I certainly wouldn’t want to sleep in the top bunk of this bed, but I also would fear to be in the bottom one. If it is made sturdy enough it is certainly great for a kids room, but I am not so sure about it being for adults.
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Wooden Logs – Original Source Used: >> Click Here <<
Not only is this a pretty straight forward idea, but I think it also looks pretty stylish. You would have to make sure those logs are as polished as they can be before you got into the bed, but the main build is pretty simple.

Books – Original Source Used: >> Click Here <<
It seems a shame to use books to make a bed, but if they are going to a land-fill site anyway I suppose it would be OK. It would certainly be an easy build and if you stuck them together it would probably be quite strong as well.