Often called the hippo song, the Flanders and Swann lyrics go something like this ‘Mud, Mud, glorious mud Nothing quite like it for cooling the blood’ well, it seems some animals have been listening to that song and getting cool and dirty in the warm summer mud…

10 – Buffalo
You will soon come to discover that a lot of these animals like in Africa where the only way to cool off is to cover yourself in the mud. But some do like to have a little bit of fun while they do it.

9 – Hamster
After getting stuck inside a pipe this hamster is lucky to be alive, but then again that is what they do, go down small holes and explore!

8 – Pig
It was always going to be easy to find an image of a pig in mud, but I liked this one that has long curly hair making the mud stick like glue.

7 – Elephant
When you roam Africa all year long there are times when you need to cool off rather quick, and if you have some fun in the mud at the same time then so be it!
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6 – Capybara
When you live alongside rivers it is inevitable you will have to climb a muddy river bank at some point in your life, just like this giant guinea pig did!

5 – Penguin
After a huge mud lake pours across their ice, these penguins get plastered, head to toe, but they all survived OK and soon washed off in clean ice water.

4 –Dog
All dogs owners will at some point in their lives see this and wonder the question that has been asked and pondered a thousand times before: Just how on earth do you get them back home without getting the car dirty!?

3 – Warthog
While he might be closely related to a pig this Warthog looks chuffed to bits to be looking like a giant chocolate cake. So the next question is: who’s going to bath him?!?
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2 – Lioness
Even the pride of the National African parks don’t mind cooling off by rolling around in some mud. Might be worth remembering to look what might be in a muddle puddle before you splash it in while out on Safari.

1 – Horse
You spend hours grooming them then how do they show their appreciation? They roll around in the mud like naughty little children. Yes, a horse can be just as childish as human kids.