Ten Reasons Why US Casino Sites Are Popular in the EU

Ten Reasons Why US Casino Sites Are Popular in the EU
Ten Reasons Why US Casino Sites Are Popular in the EU

While this is nothing new I have started to understand better why US casino sites are more popular in the EU. For this article, I will go into the ten main reasons why this is happening and hopefully make you want to join a US site like Bob Casino which is a very popular casino in EU. While there are probably hundreds of different and personal reasons people us American casino sites I am going to list the more logical ones…


Brand Names

When it comes to the biggest names in casinos and gambling you don’t need to look much further than the US. With all the top casino names and indeed games it is easier to draw people in when it is an online casino with a name brand you can trust. While a lot of that trust has been built up with bricks and mortar sites the online sites do benefit from it.

Themed Sites

While a lot of EU casino sites tend to be a mix of all forms of online gambling there are dedicated themed sites like Bob Casino that have a marijuana theme to them, or maybe it will be animals or female players only. Some US casino sites do tend to be a lot more personal and private feeling.

The Biggest Jackpots

When it comes to slot games with progressive jackpots the US is the king of them all and some slot jackpots are not just big wins, but life-changing amounts of money. This is a big draw for people and while some EU casino sites do have big jackpots they pail in comparison to their US counterparts.

Better Sites

The US has had online casino sites almost from the start of the internet and that of course means that the sites are better made, well maintained and feel a lot more professional than other EU sites do. Big-name brands will happily spend millions on their site when an EU site just couldn’t dream of a budget that big.

Better Games

Because the US has been making online casino sites for so long you do find that they have a much wider range of games and especially slots with the slot games you know and love, often themed with the brand names you would enjoy as well. While there are good slot games with EU brands on the US ones tend to be much grander in design and playability.

Bigger Poker Wins

The US is, of course, the home of poker and some poker tournaments have prizes so big you could retire from the game after just one win! Most of the worlds top casino players are from the US because over there people can practice more as it is more socially acceptable. So what you end up with is bigger prizes, bigger promotions and the biggest online poker players.


This kind of fits in with the whole “brand name” side of things as a lot of people will have good memories of visiting a real-world casino in the US, be it a trip to Las Vegas or somewhere else. So when people see an online site with the same brand name (which will, of course, be a US site) they tend to sign up and stick with it.

Better Deals

When it comes to US casino sites you often find that they are running the better sign-up deals than their EU counterparts. This means you will get more playtime, more spins and even better chances of winning something big. Never underestimate the power of a good sign-up bonus as it really is the draw that people will turn to and very little else.

Better Options

US sites tend to have way more options to not only pay into your online wallet but to also cash-out with some casino sites even taking Bitcoin and many other online cryptocurrencies. EU is sadly locked behind laws and regulations that prohibit the use of them which will often lead to people turning to US sites.


I am not saying EU casino sites are unsafe here, but this is a lot more to do with “brand trust” than it does actual online security. As a general rule the bigger the casino site you are on, the safer a person will feel when the truth is as long as you make sure the site is HTTPS secure you should be fine.

What other reasons do you think people will use a US casino site over one based in the EU? Why not let me know your thoughts in the comments below.

Author: Gus Barge

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