While I do like to travel via trains I always find their appearance a little boring. Sure some of them look super aerodynamic, but nothing that would blow my mind as they pull into the train station. But this lot certainly would…

10 – Harry Potter
You don’t need an invitation to Hogwarts to ride this Harry Potter themed electric train. Just a train company that accepts full coach decal advertising.

9 – 007 Skyfall
Now, this is the sort of advertising I would like to see on a train. The action image of James Bond really matches the speed and power of the train.

8 – Cartoon Network
Just when you thought a Tom and Jerry detailed train pulling into the station wasn’t epic enough you board the train and sit in Adventure Time seats!!!

7 – Sound Wave
Sponsored by Coca-Cola this branded and themed train called the “Soundwave Express”, used to run all over Copenhagen, but now sits in a small art museum on the edge of the city.
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6 – Nyan Cat
After several hours of searching, I sadly discovered that this is nothing more than a photoshop edit. A good one but nothing more than a fake. And it is not the only photoshopped image to appear in this list.

5 – Volkswagen
This is cool right!? Well not only is it cool it is also 100% real and was uses to transport train track works around in 1965! Imagine this pulling up to the platform in the morning rush hour!

4 – Caravan
Made to do a test for the car show Top Gear this caravan train proved to be a lot more hassle than it was worth, in fact, it even caught fire at one point!

3 – Naruto
Over in Japan, they really know how to advertise on a train in the best possible way. No silly little adverts along the top of the seats, this is full on train ads!
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2 – Christmas
This is the Canadian Pacific holiday train and it features over 60,000 lights, it travels 100,000 miles and raises millions of dollars each and every year.

1 – The Fastest Train
You and I both know this is photoshopped to the max, but that doesn’t stop me thinking it would be amazing. Imagine seeing this running into the station, you might well start running the other way down the platform!