While it was originally built for people suffering from concentration disorders, the Fidget Spinner has become a new craze for kids all over the world. What people especially like is the customisation you can do with them. From making them faster to some pretty deadly mods…

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The lighter they are, the faster they go! While not the cheapest hand spinner on the market it is one of the best of them.

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Just because they are designed to reduce stress, increase concentration, and relieve anxiety doesn’t mean they can’t look amazing!

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Not one for the kids to take to school, but for adults looking for something to fidget with, this might be the relaxation they need.

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This Genji shuriken hand spinner is the staple to every great Genji player, so do you have the skills to master this hand spinner?? This is a 3D printed fidget spinner that is great for any overwatch player waiting for the loading screens to load faster or it’s a way to keep your hands occupied while you are in a deep thought or board!
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Fidget Spinner are great for the fidgety hands of adults or kids over 10 years old. But it’s the collectors and the modders that will keep the craze alive.

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You might need enough metalwork skills to pass a university degree, but the step by step guide in the link does help a little.

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Most people can spin a hand spinner in the dark, but why make it too hard for yourself when you can use it to light the way.

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This bad boy will spin on its own for 1-3 minutes! All you need to do is give a good spin to start with. Why not show off and do with with the flick of a finger.
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With its crazy looks and high price tag, this hand spinner is out of this world in more than one way. But to be fair to it, it looks incredible.

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Fidget Bots…Roll Out! And keep rolling and rolling and rolling until you spin so fast it tears a hole in space and time. r just go as fast as you can and impress your friends.