While it does look funny (as you will come to see in the ten images below) training pet cats to use our human toilets is a little weird. But I suppose it does save on kitty litter which is good for the environment. So let’s try and look on the good side of cats on loos…

10 – Flushing
Some people like to go that extra mile and get their cats to flush afterwards! It might take a little bit more time in training, but well worth it for the funny video factor.

9 – Sleep Slashers
It can be tiring to train your cat to do anything, but getting your cat to use the toilet other than a place to drink from or sleep in is the real challenge.

8 –Looking for Moaning Myrtle
Just getting your cat to face the right way will be a big part of toilet training, so be patient and give you and your cat time.

7 – Lid Traped
This poor kitty was just about to have a wee when the lid fell down and ruined his whole day! Or maybe he is simply practising his yodelling.
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6 –Peek a Poo
While it’s important to have fun training your cat turning hiding in the toilet is fun for a while, until you go to the loo in the middle of the night and your cat is still there!

5 – Hearing Colours, Seeing Sounds
You know you needed the toilet badly when you feel as this cat looks after going to the loo. We have all been there after curry night!

4 – The Blocker
While teaching your cat to use the loo is impressive, teaching them to unblock it is the training of a genius! Or maybe a fully qualified plumber.

3 – Slammer
Getting the seat up can be one of the hardest things cats do, so if you are going to train your cats to use the toilet make sure you pin the lid back!
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2 – Down the Pan
This kitty is still only halfway through his training. While he does get the general idea of using the toilet the sitting arrangement still needs some work.

1 – Lock the door
This kitty looks like he has been caught in the act. Maybe he was only pretending to use the kitty litter tray, but this time he has well and truly been caught on the throne.