Ten Amazing Sculptures Made From Cardboard Tubes

Sometimes it is hard to choose what goes into a top 10, and what doesn’t quite “make the grade” and this post is to right one of those wrongs. You see the other month I did a post called “Top 10 Things to do With Empty Toilet Rolls” and I left someone’s art out that really should have made the top 10. But to make up for it I have decided to dedicate an entire top 10 to them. These incredible masks are all made by the very talented artist “Junior Fritz Jacquet”, and of course they are all made from empty toilet rolls…


BONUS CONTENT: Top 10 Quotes About Toilets


Junior Fritz Jacquet - Toilet Roll Mask Sculpture
Junior Fritz Jacquet – Toilet Roll Mask Sculpture

10 – Grandad Tony – juniorfritzjacquet.com

Chuck Palahniuk once said: “Maybe humans are just the pet alligators that God flushed down the toilet.”

Junior Fritz Jacquet - Toilet Roll Mask Sculpture
Junior Fritz Jacquet – Toilet Roll Mask Sculpture

9 – Deep thinking Tony- juniorfritzjacquet.com

George Carlin once said: “You know what is an odd feeling? Sitting on the toilet eating a chocolate candy bar.”

Junior Fritz Jacquet - Toilet Roll Mask Sculpture
Junior Fritz Jacquet – Toilet Roll Mask Sculpture

8 – Angry Frank- juniorfritzjacquet.com

Shigeru Miyamoto (Super Mario’s Dad) once said: “There are some ghost stories in Japan where, when you are sitting in the bathroom in the traditional style of the Japanese toilet – a hand is actually starting to grab you from beneath. It’s a very scary story.”

Junior Fritz Jacquet - Toilet Roll Mask Sculpture
Junior Fritz Jacquet – Toilet Roll Mask Sculpture

7 – Loud Mouthed Freddie – juniorfritzjacquet.com

Billy Wilder once said: “France is the country where the money falls apart and you can’t tear the toilet paper.”

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Junior Fritz Jacquet - Toilet Roll Mask Sculpture
Junior Fritz Jacquet – Toilet Roll Mask Sculpture

6 – Stuckup Sally – juniorfritzjacquet.com

Alan King once said: “You do live longer with bran, but you spend the last fifteen years on the toilet.”

Junior Fritz Jacquet - Toilet Roll Mask Sculpture
Junior Fritz Jacquet – Toilet Roll Mask Sculpture

5 – Granny Joan – juniorfritzjacquet.com

Paula Poundstone once said: “I have a very silly sense of humour. I’ve never laughed harder in my entire life than seeing someone with toilet paper stuck on the bottom of their shoe.”

Junior Fritz Jacquet - Toilet Roll Mask Sculpture
Junior Fritz Jacquet – Toilet Roll Mask Sculpture

4 – Daniel the Teenager – juniorfritzjacquet.com

Jodi Picoult once said: “Most people in America want an easy read. I call it “McFiction” , books which pass right through you without you even digesting them. I don’t mean a book that has two-syllable words. I mean chapters you can read in a toilet break. Happy endings. We are more of a TV culture.”

Junior Fritz Jacquet - Toilet Roll Mask Sculpture
Junior Fritz Jacquet – Toilet Roll Mask Sculpture

3 – Chatty Charley – juniorfritzjacquet.com

Lewis Mumford once said: “Today, the degradation of the inner life is symbolized by the fact that the only place sacred from interruption is the private toilet.”

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Junior Fritz Jacquet - Toilet Roll Mask Sculpture
Junior Fritz Jacquet – Toilet Roll Mask Sculpture

2 – Choir singing Samuel – juniorfritzjacquet.com

Octavia Butler once said: “And I have this little litany of things they can do. And the first one, of course, is to write – every day, no excuses. It’s so easy to make excuses. Even professional writers have days when they’d rather clean the toilet than do the writing.”

Junior Fritz Jacquet - Toilet Roll Mask Sculpture
Junior Fritz Jacquet – Toilet Roll Mask Sculpture

1 –  Ben the Bouncer – juniorfritzjacquet.com

Tommy Cooper once said: “Well, my wife and I were married in a toilet – it was a marriage of convenience!”

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