While many of these staircases look amazing I can only imagine they are more for aesthetics rather than practical use. But it is always nice to look at them and I bring you ten of the most amazing staircases all made from recycled materials…

Wooden Pallets
It looks like you will need a lot of pallets to make a staircase, but it does make perfect sense to me as each pallet can be a step up. But looking at the side of the image it does take up a lot of room.

You are going to need a lot of books and as a bookworm, it makes me sad that they are used this way. But if they are no longer needed or contain out of date information I suppose it would be OK.

While it might look nice you will need to be quite light on your feet in order to use this staircase made of old skateboards. But it does look nice even if it is not all that practical.

Milk Crates
All you really need to do is to stack the crates in a staircase style and place some wood on top of them for support. Sadly over time plastic does turn quite brittle so you might want to replace the milk crates every few years.
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You will probably need the patience of a Buddhist monk to make a whole staircase from bottles, but if you do you could make one that looks just like this one found in a Buddhist temple.

If you don’t mind your staircase being a little bouncy you might want to make one of these made from old rubber tyres. It is good for the garden I suppose, but I wouldn’t want them in the house.

Plastic Bottles
We have already seen a staircase made from glass bottles, but this one is made from plastic bottles. It’s OK for use outside I suppose but would probably not be safe if used inside.

Brick Rubble
This is another one of those staircases that are best off outside, but I think it looks pretty great and the bigger the rubble blocks the better stones they make.
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Old Wooden Signs
Once upon a time, most marketing signs were indeed made from wood and they are now used to make some pretty amazing things like this awesome staircase.

Window Wells
You have probably never heard of a window well before, but it is essentially a well of corrugated iron protecting the window from the surrounding ground. I think they look pretty great as a set of steps.
Source Used…
- https://theverybesttop10.com/stairs-made-from-unusual-things
- http://www.igreenspot.com/skateboard-staircase-stylish-and-eco-friendly/
- https://fishandbicycles.com/2012/12/12/upcycling-recycled-bottle-buddhist-temple/buddhist-temple-made-of-bottles/
- https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/364862007282458110/?lp=true
- https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/315181673903475491
- https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/528680443748025620/?lp=true
- https://www.pinterest.co.uk/theworldstop10/recycling-upcycing-and-crafts/
- https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/444800900683314946/?lp=true