So you’ve eaten your tin of beans, or feed the cat or dog and are now going to recycle the tin can they come in. But before you do you might be surprised to learn these ten other things you can do with them. From toys to art, it has to be better than throwing them away…

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Great for party games or just some lazy summer fun in the garden. Or even inside when it is raining! It’s simple to make and sure to be loads of noisy fun as they hit the floor.

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Keep all those stationery and craft supplies neat and tidy with this idea that makes great use of tin cans as stationary storage pots.

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Just pop some holes in the bottom and nail it to a vertical board. Then Bob’s your uncle, you have a great looking planter! Just remember to drill a few holes into the bottom of it for drainage.

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Best done with the tin drinking chocolate cans (because they have the lip) they are easy to refill, then all you need to do it attach a perch to for the bird to stand on, but this can be done with a broken twig.
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While not that easy to make these look amazing and could be used for decoration all over the house. Just make sure you keep those things away from the edges of the can.

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It might be a little silly, but it would be great fun to make and will keep the kids amused for hours. Any kids who enjoy playing cowboys and Indians will find this a great play gathering point.

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Best for holding shorter, wildflowers these could be a good idea for wedding table decorations or even as some little planters for the window sill.

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You used them first in the kitchen, so why not recycle them for something to be used in the kitchen! All you need is an old wooden chopping board and some screws.
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Tins come in all sizes and that is what makes this idea so great. Some art skills are required, but you could always print some pictures out and stick them on the cans.

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Light up any garden or porch with these tin can lanterns. By cutting the holes in the sides of the tin it will create a sort of luminary effect that will bounce off the walls and plants.