It seems what people like to receive and what they like to grow are two very different things. Indeed if this list was based on the UK’s favourite flower to receive it would be significantly different putting roses at the top. But this list is all about the flowers people grow and number 1 was a real surprise to me…

10 – Nemesia (Carnival Mixed)
Wiki Info: Nemesia is a genus of annuals, perennials and sub-shrubs which are native to sandy coasts or disturbed ground in South Africa. Numerous hybrids have been selected, and the annual cultivars are popular with gardeners as bedding plants. In temperate regions, the annual cultivars are usually treated as half-hardy bedding plants, sown from seed in heat and planted out after all danger of frost has passed.

9 – Dwarf Candytuft (Fairy Mixed)
Info Source: Very easy to grow, a low compact plant that comes into flower quickly from seed. The colours of Candytuft Dwarf Fairyland Mixed radiate through lilac, silver, pink, maroon, carmine and white and after flowering leave behind exquisite seed heads – just right for everlasting flower arrangements.

8 – Wallflower (Persian Carpet)
Info Source: Contains many of the beautiful colours seen in Persian Carpets including cream, apricot, orange, rose, purple and gold. RHS Award of Garden Merit winner. The most popular spring bedding item – very fragrant. Grow as a hardy biennial. Height 38cm (15″).

7 – Alyssum (Snow Carpet)
Info Source: Lobularia maritima syn. Alyssum maritimum, common name sweet alyssum or sweet alison, also commonly referred to as just alyssum (from the genus Alyssum in which it was formerly classified) is a species of low-growing flowering plant in the family Brassicaceae.
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6 – Lobelia (Crystal Palace)
Info Source: Dainty, deep blue lobelia flowers smother neat globes of foliage that form very dwarf, compact plants. Lobelia ‘Crystal Palace’ makes a sparkling addition to beds, containers, flower Pouches and window-boxes

5 – Nasturtium (Tall Single Mixed)
Info Source: One of the easiest annuals to grow from seed and definitely one of the showiest! Use it to climb or trail! This bright mixture of hot colours is just the job growing up a trellis, a wigwam of canes, or even through shrubs.

4 – Wallflower (Choice Mixed)
Info Source: Richly fragrant and cheerfully coloured blooms. Great in spring beds, borders and large containers.

3 – Dwarf Godetia (Selected Mixed)
Info Source: With its attractive mixture of bright colours, it is also easy to grow annual for summer borders. The single flowers resemble poppies, and semi-double and double blooms are prettily frilled.
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2 – Nasturtium (Jewel Mixed)
Info Source: Excellent for many purposes. Brightly coloured flowers are held well above the foliage. Very easily grown, versatile plants, flowering freely throughout the summer. Happiest in free-draining soil, in sunny positions.

1 – Sweet Pea (Special Mix)
Info Source: A bright colour range that makes excellent cut flowers. The seed is selected from first-class sweet peas, many of them fragrant. This is also a heritage seed variety.