While its common for consoles, PC’s and tablets to have some silly accessories today I am talking about the iPhone. Often released by 3rd party firms these weird and pointless accessories are often good for little more than a laugh, but some are so strange it makes you wonder why they were even made…

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While it does at least have some use because of the handset feature, why anyone would like to make people believe they are talking to a banana boggles my imagination. But if you fancy owning one for a laugh they are cheap at least.

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Has anyone worked out why this is pointless? Well, it is designed for racing games obviously, but when you place the iPhone in the middle compartment and start to steer around a corner, you are tipping the screen meaning you will have to tilt your head to see the game. Also, the idea of playing games on the move is because they are “mobile” and this prohibits that option.

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While I can see where the accessory designer was going with this, if ever there was an iPhone accessory that is going to make you look stupid, it has to be this. But then again having your own personal cinema at the beach, or in bed sounds tempting for sure.

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You know what it is like, sat there waiting for a phone call or maybe playing games while your partner shops for clothes. Well, now you don’t have to suffer constant arm ache because you can just strap it to your leg and watch it without holding it! See, I told you these were pointless.
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It is a classic 1st world problem. You are holding a hot latte with one hand, but need to make a quick text with both thumbs. Well, fear not, because that is where this amazing accessory comes into it. Seriously, is this thing sponsored by Starbucks themselves?!?

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Maybe I am looking at too many of these silly gadgets, but I actually like this one! Sure it is once again as pointless as the rest of them, but with a hint of fun. I think I would probably play with it for a few minutes them forget about it forever once I have flung my iPhone out of it and towards the wall at 100mph.

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Do you feel cold and empty inside? Well, this Lobster iPhone case might well be the thing you are missing. To be honest I can’t think of another reason to own one, other than filling a weird and pointless hole in your life. Or maybe there is a restaurant owner that loves theirs.

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While this firm is actually being sued by Blackberry for this keyboard accessory for iPhones, there are still loads of places that you can buy them. I have to admit I do miss having real keys to type on my phone.
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While the image above shows it around this persons neck, this is a gorilla grip style accessory that can actually wrap around just about anywhere or anything. But despite its Boa like grip on things. it is still quite pointless.

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I have been in the situation myself when there is no “Do Not Disturb” sign for the door, but if I had this iPhone case by Cynthia Glasserman that would not have been a problem. Things really don’t get any more useless that this one, that is for sure. Unless you have loads of money to keep on buying the phones people steal from you.