Ten Pictures of Cats Drinking Wine Because Its Wine O’Clock

Watching my Dog hurriedly slurp up his bowl of water I see why some people…

Ten of the Very Best Recipes and Types of Sufganiyot

Now and again it feels good to take a back seat on things, that is…

Ten Weird, Strange and Unusual Ways to Fill a Hole

What I loved about my post “Top 10 Lego Wall Repairs” is that replacing house…

Ten Funny Pictures of Animals Wearing Socks

Of all the things, I could have seen today I was not expecting to see…

Ten Amazing Images of Insects Covered in dew

When it comes to photography nothing amazes me more than macro (close up, highly detailed)…

Ten Amazing Ice Scrapers You Will Appreciate This Winter

I love living on top of a mountain. The peace and quiet, the views, even…

Ten of the Very Best Funny Sports Memes of All Time

Sports are for obsessed athletes to prance around for our general entertainment. Oh, and they…

Ten Zombie Cats Who Have Watched Too Much Walking Dead

Being a big fan of the TV show The Walking Dead, there is one thing…

Ten Photoshopped Banana Animals That Might Put You Off Bananas!

Maybe it is the shape, maybe it is the colour, but whatever the reason is,…

Ten Stunning Photos of Amazing Japanese Dekotora Light Trucks

If there is one TV advert I look forward to seeing its the Coca-Cola light…

Ten Animals Wearing Shoes That Will Make You Smile All Day Long

What is it with me and shoes? So far in this little blog of mine…

Ten Amazing Things All Made by Stacking Something

There is one thing I will admit I can’t do and that is stacking cards….

Ten Amazing, Crazy, Weird and Unusual Sets of Dumbbells

If I am honest with myself I am a bit overweight, but very physically fit…

Ten Crazy and Amazing Restaurants Located Inside Vehicles

As a child, I remember seeing a truck stop that was inside an old double-decker…

Ten Weird Looking Cats in Tights Who Look Kinda Creepy

Just when I thought the cat world couldn’t get any stranger, there is a new…

Ten Foods That Look Like Sheep for Your Farmyard Party

This might sound weird, but I have always wanted my own sheep! It could keep…