Unfortunately, joint pain is common in dogs as they get older, just like us humans. Even if they don’t display the usual signs and symptoms of ageing and remain their energetic selves until the very end, they may undergo certain treatments or surgery that require careful post-surgery pain management. However, with the risks that come with medications prescribed by your veterinarian, you may want to look into natural alternatives instead. Here are ten natural remedies you probably didn’t know you could give to your pooch…
Liquorice is usually used to treat arthritis, as it is a fast-acting and effective anti-inflammatory agent. As the root itself may be difficult to digest for your dog, it is best to use a low alcohol tincture to provide them with the correct dose. The recommended dose is between 12 and 20 drops per 20 pounds of body weight, and this should be administered twice a day for a maximum of two weeks.
Ginger is another great anti-inflammatory and it can also be used for arthritic pain. It is also great for increasing circulation in older dogs. For your dog to reap the benefits, simply mince the raw, peeled ginger root and add it to your dog’s food. Anything between a quarter and three-quarters of a teaspoon is sufficient, depending on the size of the dog.
Devil’s Claw
Devil’s claw can be used for both muscle pain and arthritis. It is an African plant usually sold in health stores for us humans so you will need to adjust the dose accordingly for your pet. However, it cannot be used in dogs that are pregnant, lactating, or diabetic.
CBD oil is becoming an increasingly popular health remedy for humans, but did you know you can use it for your pets as well? The best CBD product for pets come in capsule form and can help with pain relief, anxiety, and many other pet ailments. Alternatively, you can get CBD oil pet treats, that make giving your dog pain relief an easy task. Many pet owners, especially those who have a dog that suffers from arthritis, are researching into using CBD products for their pets, such as by reading articles like https://moderndogmagazine.com/articles/best-cbd-oil-dogs-arthritis/133348 and similar.
Cayenne is a type of pepper that can be used in cream or capsule form to help with pain relief. If you can’t find it in this form, a small pinch of the powder sprinkled into your dog’s food can work just as well. Cayenne is a great choice as it has been found that its main compound, known as capsaicin, blocks pain and increases circulation.
Horsetail is perfect for post-surgery trauma as it can heal bone and connective tissue. Used in tincture form, you should administer a dose of a quarter of a teaspoon per 20 pounds of body weight every day.
Also known as Indian frankincense, Boswellia has been found to reduce signs of arthritis in dogs after just six weeks of treatment. It can be found as an ingredient in many different herbal pain remedies and is often combined with turmeric.
Turmeric can be used for pain relief and has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. As it is part of the ginger family, turmeric can also be given to your dog in its raw form. Simply grate it into their usual food. A point to note is that it is easier for them to digest when combined with black pepper and fat.
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There have been many successful trials conducted on animals using Yucca as a form of pain relief. It is claimed that it has a 50-80% success rate in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Simply add half a teaspoon of it in powdered form to your dog’s food.
Alfalfa is safe to use long-term and is a simple herb that you can even grow yourself. If you don’t use it in its natural form, it can be found in capsules or a tincture. Follow the dosage instructions on the bottle.
Always consult with your vet before administering any medication to your dog, natural or not.