Ten of the Very Best Gift Ideas That Look Like Lightsabers From the Starwars

If there is one thing I wish I could own it’s a real lightsaber. Sadly the reality is two bad things. For one it is not even a possibility, let alone a real item and the other bad aspect of this is that even if it was real I would probably end up chopping something off myself! So it is probably best for me to stick to these gift ideas instead…


Top 10 Lightsaber – Star Wars Gift Ideas
Star Wars Lightsaber Projection Pen

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If ever there was a small but perfect gift for a Star Wars loving nerd like me it has to be this lightsaber pen. Whenever you touch the tip onto paper, the Lightsaber will glow bright blue! A cool and practical gift indeed.

Top 10 Lightsaber – Star Wars Gift Ideas
Star Wars Lightsaber Remote Control

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There are quite a few Star wars themed remote controllers out there as we saw in my original post “Top 10 Millennium Falcon – Star Wars Gift Ideas”  but this one I just loved. Sure it could have done with a full light tube on the top and to have the ability to swipe the channels up and down, but no-one’s perfect.

Top 10 Lightsaber – Star Wars Gift Ideas
Star Wars Lightsaber Door Handles

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This is another lightsaber gift we have seen before in my rather unusual post called “Top 10 Unusual Door Knobs and Pulls.” It sure is a gift I would love to own, but then again having to change the batteries in the door handle sounds like more of a chore than something fun and cool to own.

Top 10 Lightsaber – Star Wars Gift Ideas
Lightsaber Bookends

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Now, this is one amazing gift idea. With the lightsaber effectively going through any amount of books you place between the bookends, it would look good if you have a few or indeed lots of books. They are a little expensive, but I saw they are worth the money.

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Top 10 Lightsaber – Star Wars Gift Ideas
Lightsaber Earrings

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Available in a massive range of styles and colours, some official merchandise, some hand-made. These lightsaber earrings are everywhere.  If you are after a small give for a nerd or nerdette this might well be the perfect solution.

Top 10 Lightsaber – Star Wars Gift Ideas
LightSaber Sunglasses

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These are one of those gift ideas where I just don;t know if I like them or not. Sure they look cheap, but they don’t cost the earth! Available in blue, green, or red, they do light up on each arm, but still, there is something not quite “cool” enough about them.

Top 10 Lightsaber – Star Wars Gift Ideas
Lightsaber Umbrella

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If you are even half a nerd like myself, you would have already used several umbrellas as pretend lightsabers. So the next step for us is to buy one that really is shaped like one as well! Very cool and of course highly useful given all the rain we have been getting.

Top 10 Lightsaber – Star Wars Gift Ideas
Lightsaber Bottle Opener

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If you have never thought or dreamed of buying a lightsaber and doing cool things with it like slicing off the top of your beer you need to stop and think about these things because otherwise, thinkgeek.com wouldn’t exist!

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Top 10 Lightsaber – Star Wars Gift Ideas
Star Wars: Official LucasFilm Ltd Count Dooku Lightsaber Chopsticks

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While I am not chopstick trained, I do like to give it a go whenever we go out to a Chinese restaurant. But with these in hand, I would feel the power of the Dark side and surely be able to pick up my food without throwing all over the floor like a broken droid.

Top 10 Lightsaber – Star Wars Gift Ideas
Lightsaber Ice Pop Maker

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With the Summer looking like it will be a hot one, these might be the perfect thing to buy. Just pour in some fruit juice, freeze and away you go! Not only do you get 4 lightsabers to turn into ice-pops, but you also get a book containing 30 Star Wars-themed recipes to try! Cool, and cool again.

Author: Gus Barge

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