Now and again I will catch my dog looking like he is so laid back and relaxed he would win an “I’m cool” award just for sitting there. This top 10 is all about those funny moments caught on camera. In the split moment, a dog looks his coolest these well-timed and skilled photographers capture the moment for us all to see…
BONUS CONTENT: Top 10 Benefits of Relaxation

10 – “We ran over your cat? Let me get a stamp and write down all the cares I give.”
FACT: People that relax for 30 mins every day have better problem-solving abilities, and all-around better I.Q’s as well.

9 – “Babe, you look so fine I could drink your bath water!”
FACT: If you are suffering from headaches and neck pain, you might well need to take the time to relax a little more and a sign of being overstressed is headaches and neck pain.

8 – “I’m not actually this tall. I’m sitting on my wallet”
FACT: If you are feeling very emotional it might mean you need to relax a lot more to regain those smoother emotions. Take a time out just 5 mins a day will lead to less anger, crying, anxiety,and frustration.

7 – “Nice clothes your wearing. Can I talk you out of them?”
FACT: People that spend at least 1hr a week relaxing (not necessary all at once) have enhanced immunity and can fight off diseases a lot quicker.
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6 – “Coming over to my place? We are having a P.A.R.T.Y!!!”
FACT: Are you having trouble sleeping? Then take 15 mins to relax without any gadgets of distracting things around you before bedtime and you should sleep a lot better.

5 – “Picture this. You, me, bubble bath and a bottle of champagne. Let’s make it happen!”
FACT: People who take just 30 mins to relax before the start of each day more energy throughout the day, and are up to 60% more efficient at work.

4 – “Do you even lift bro?”
FACT: Professional bodybuilders will often try and relax as much as they can before a big lift because relaxing increases blood flow to the muscles meaning they can lift more.

3 – “Let’s just get this photo done, so you can chuck the ball for me again.”
FACT: If ever you are trapped somewhere that has little of limited air just remember that relaxing slows the rate of breathing, which also reduces the need for oxygen.
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2 – “I appear to have lost my phone number, can I borrow yours?”
FACT: Relaxing not only feels nice, but it is really good for you as well. By relaxing 5mins every day it can reduce your blood pressure, and reduce the risks of having a heart attack.

1 – “Hi. I’m new in town, could I have the directions to your house please?”
FACT: Studies show that taking just 5 mins to relax and watch some TV gives the heart a rest by slowing the heart rate by as much as 30%! You just have to convince the boss of this fact now.