This photo series by professional photographer Chris Jordan is called “Intolerable Beauty: Portraits of American Mass Consumption” and is all about the dumps and piles of our mass consumption. Capturing the pure magnitude of our consumerism and its impact on our environment is what this is all about and the photos show it really is an intolerable beauty…

10 – Gas Cylinders – Do Visit Chris Jordan’s Website: >> CLICK HERE <<
Once all the gas has been used most of them are recycled, but the rest of them that are too old and broken could well end up in this dump.

9 – Steel Drums – Do Visit Chris Jordan’s Website: >> CLICK HERE <<
On their own, they might look like a sadly bit of waste that no-one wants to see. But in a stockpile suddenly all the colours seem to come to life, including all the different shades of blue!

8 – Truck Chassis – Do Visit Chris Jordan’s Website: >> CLICK HERE <<
If you ever need to get something delivered by freight then this has to be the place to come because it flat bead trailers as far as the human eye can see!

7 – Cars – Do Visit Chris Jordan’s Website: >> CLICK HERE <<
There are junkyards full of cars all over the world, but I have never seen so many in one place, in one stack before. It looks like an Ikea warehouse!
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6 – Glass – Do Visit Chris Jordan’s Website: >> CLICK HERE <<
You certainly wouldn’t want to walk across it in bare feet. But there is definitely a certain beauty about it.

5 – Cigarette Butts – Do Visit Chris Jordan’s Website: >> CLICK HERE <<
If it wasn’t something so horrible it would make for a perfect texture to something. Imagine how much nicotine is swarming around here!

4 – Spent Bullet Casings – Do Visit Chris Jordan’s Website: >> CLICK HERE <<
I am pretty sure that all these will be recycled and turned into something else, but there really is far too many bullet casings there.

3 – Circuit Boards – Do Visit Chris Jordan’s Website: >> CLICK HERE <<
They might mostly be green, but that odd splash of colour makes this stockpile almost hypnotic to look at! Surely there must have some sort of recycling aspect!?
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2 – Hard Drives – Do Visit Chris Jordan’s Website: >> CLICK HERE <<
They once saved a load of people’s happy memories, and when they get chucked away from are far removed from everyone’s memory. A sad end to such a loyal device

1 – Mobile phones – Do Visit Chris Jordan’s Website: >> CLICK HERE <<
This stockpile of mobile phones in Atlanta is not smart in any way. Ever wondered where all the old style cell phones ended up? Well, it is right here.