How to Sight In a Scope in 10 Steps

How to Sight In a Scope in 10 Steps

When it comes to rifles and shooting, a scope is a very important tool that is used to guide you on your shooting target. The direction in which the scope is pointed should be the same as the direction of the barrel. In simple terms, the scope is used to sight. Sighting in, in this case, means the act of aligning where the barrel of the gun and the scope are pointed. For the best and accurate sight-in process, you should mount your scope properly and accurately adjust it. The best rimfire scope should help you hit your targets as long as you are sighting in appropriately and correctly.

When you want to sight in a scope efficiently and accurately, you should use an extremely stable platform such as a shooting bench. The rifle should also have a good rest. Whatever you use for these two purposes, ensure that it is stable enough. In this article, we shall discuss 10 steps that can be used to sight in a scope.

Here are 10 steps on how to sight in a scope

  1.     Mounting the rings and the base

To hold the scope in a sturdy position, you need to have mounting rings and a good-quality base mount. Following the manufacturer’s instructions, tighten the screws on the mount. This should be done in an X pattern. This ensures the scope is not pulled in one way or another.

  1.     Mounting the scope on the rifle

This is the next step after the rings and base are mounted. Using the manufacturer’s direction, and with the eyepiece facing the right direction, lay your scope into the bracket. A torpedo level will help you to level the scope as you firmly tighten the rings. 

  1.     Correctly position the eyepiece and level the cross-hair

This is the next step. The distance to the shooting eye has to be adjusted so it is correct. Ensure the image is sharp when you are looking through the eyepiece. If these things can be achieved, then it means you have done it in the right way. To level the crosshair, mount the rifle on a stand. Ensure the stock of the rifle is square and level. When in this position, rotate the crosshair in such a way that they are oriented in the correct position. Ensure the vertical crosshair is positioned at the 12 o’clock position.

  1.     Securely tighten the mount the base

After you set the crosshair at the top dead center, your mounting rings can now be tightened. Do this gradually. Tighten every screw but do it half a thread at a time. Always check the cross-hair to ensure it does not move. Do this slowly and ensure all the screws are finally tightened in place.

  1.     Boresight your rifle

Bore sighting simply means the process of aligning the center of the barrel with the sights. You can do this in two ways. For single barrel rifles, remove the bolt and put the rifle at a steady rest. Setting the riffle up, look through the barrel, and ensure that the bull’s eye is centered. Look through your scope and do not move the rifle. Ensure the crosshairs are adjusted so that they too are centered on the bull’s eye.

The second way of bore sighting is by using a laser bore-sighter. With your rifle at rest, project the laser light onto your target and adjust the crosshairs so they meet it.

  1.     Be stable

You must be stable as you sight in a scope. You need to eliminate human error as you sight in the scope. You can put your rifle atop sandbags, or find a plastic or metal rest. Even without touching the gun, look through the scope and ensure the crosshairs are on target. This helps eliminate any variables.

  1.     Start close

your average shot can be 50, 100, 200 yards, or more. However, this will depend on where one is hunting. Your rifle will finally be set up for the appropriate distance. Begin at close range so you do not have to use too much ammunition. Start shooting at 50, or even 25 yards if need be. The idea here is to get good groups. With longer distances, fine-tune the sight as needed.

  1.     Adjust your scope

Scopes allow adjustment for windage and elevation. With most scopes, each click represents ¼ inch at 100 yards. When your shots hit 2 inches low and 3 inches left at 100 yards, you should turn the 12 clicks right and the 8 clicks up. Fire a 3 shot group and if you are on target, that is perfect. If not, you can fire another group and adjust once more just in case you may have overcorrected.

  1.     Correct your misses

Adjust your scope left if you got misses to the left. Adjust your scope to go higher if you had high misses. Make the necessary adjustments based on the kind of misses you get until the rife is secured and steady. Ensure you are regularly hitting the bull’s eye.

  1. Shoot the right ammunition

The right ammunition depends on practice. Use many brands and weights of ammunition to ascertain what works best for your rife. Do not rely on one type of ammunition to sight in with and use a different one for hunting. Always test fire the ammunition before you use it.


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