While it is not hard to catch a snail and paint on it, there is some skill to getting detail onto their shells. All these works of art are totally real and done using non-toxic paint so it is harmless for the snails. And some are painted for a very good reason indeed…

10 – Artist: Slinkachu
You will soon discover that I have split these works of art in half, some from the very talented Slinkachu, and some from a “Save The Snails” fan group.

9 – Artist: Save the snails!
These from the hashtag “#savethesnails” are made by various people who want to try to save snails in their gardens and local parks from being eaten. Birds will often give these brightly coloured snails a very wide birth.

8 – Artist: Slinkachu
Meanwhile, artist Slinkachu had been paint various snails all over London and does it for some cool and unusual street art. At least they are slow-moving and will give time for everyone to see it.

7 – Artist: Save the snails! (Imgur Account)
Various artists and activists have hopped on board the “Save The Snail” movement which does lead to some very interesting designs.
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6 – Artist: Slinkachu
Slinkachu is a 30-year-old street artist who’s based in London but is very well-known across Europe. These are big-name art snails!

5 – Artist: Save the snails! (Imgur Account)
It seems even some of the marketing nerd are jumping into the snail saving mood with some very slow-moving adverts.

4 – Artist: Slinkachu
The detail in Slinkachu’s work is incredible, just imagine how long it took to get this sort of detail on the back of a snail’s shell!

3 – Artist: Stefan Siverud
I really liked the way they give this snail a Zebra style shell. If I saw this I would leave it well alone, let alone a bird that is scared of getting poisoned!
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2 – Artist: Slinkachu
If you liked the previous snail by Slinkachu check out this one that as a very jungle style theme to it. If he did this with tiny spray cans it would have been epic!

1 – Artist: Save the snails! (Imgur Account)
I have seen hundreds of these painted snails while making this post, but I think this just has to be the best. With a moulded fin, it looks amazing, and anything that would grow children’s interest in snails is OK by me.