Do you have a “crazy face”? One that you often pull while trying to make someone smile, or when something dumbfounds you!? These ten dogs do and they are more than happy to pull them in front of the camera…

10 – The “Insane in the Membrane” Face
This is not the face you want to see while having a shower. At least Norman Bates snuck up on his victims!

9 – The “I’m off my pills” Face
There is always one in a group of friends who is slightly crazier than the others.

8 – The “out of one’s mind” Face
This is one rather scary looking dog! But I’m sure with a few treats he’s friendly enough.

7 – The “unstable” Face
This is one of those dogs who is better off in a straight jacket and full, Hannibal Lecter muzzle.
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6 – The “funny farm” Face
This dog hasn’t been taking his pills and within a few days is back to being his normal, crazy self.

5 – The “non compos mentis” Face
You will never be this happy to see someone return home…ever!

4 – The “one flew over the cuckoo’s nest” Face
This dog has most probably seen something your would rather not.

3 – The “deranged” Face
This is one dog you give your milk too even if it is bad for him!
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2 – The “mad as a March hare” Face
Sadly this dog will be the one driving the Taxi! Seems it’s a good day to walk.

1 – The “mad as a hatter” Face
This is the face that tells me this dog wants a walk. That or he has just seen something horrific!