Ten of the Cutest Chicks in Hats You Will Ever See in Your Life!

Over all of these animal-themed posts I have written we’ve seen that often a small hat can make even the scariest of animal look cute (see my post: Snakes in Hats.) But what happens when you combine the talent of photography with the craft talent of making tiny hats? You get chicks in hats and they look so cute it is almost unbearable! So get ready with the “awwws” as we take a look at this adorable lot…

BONUS CONTENT: Ten Facts About Chickens


Ten of the Cutest Chicks in Hats You Will Ever See in Your Life!
Baby Chick in Police Hat

10 – “Move along now everyone, nothing to see here.” – Do check out the ETSY shop here: https://www.etsy.com/shop/chicksinhats

FACT: Chickens are not the only ones who have a great memory, as they can distinguish between more than 100 faces of their own species! In fact, it is firmly believed that while all baby chicks might look the same, the mummy chicken knows each of them by facial features alone and can tell whose chicks are whose.

Baby Chick In A Scottish Tam O Shanter Hat
Baby Chick In A Scottish Tam O Shanter Hat

9 – “Three days of sun isnae enough to convince me to take ma hat off.” – Do check out the ETSY shop here: https://www.etsy.com/shop/chicksinhats

FACT: Have you ever heard of “pecking orders?” Well, it really does relate to a chicken’s complex social structures and every chicken knows his or her place on the social ladder. I think we all know our own pecking orders off by heart.

Ten of the Cutest Chicks in Hats You Will Ever See in Your Life!
Baby Chick In A Mitre

8 – “I’m the archbishop or Chickenburry.” – Do check out the ETSY shop here: https://www.etsy.com/shop/chicksinhats

FACT: Chickens are one of the very few species of birds to have full-colour vision. Most birds and a lot of other animals have some form of colour blindness, but when it comes to sight the chicken is king.

Ten of the Cutest Chicks in Hats You Will Ever See in Your Life!
Baby Chick In A Tiara

7 – “I know a  Tiara is technically not a hat, but I’m Princess and I say it is.” – Do check out the ETSY shop here: https://www.etsy.com/shop/chicksinhats

FACT: If there is one thing strange that chickens love it is nothing more than a spot of sunbathing! So if you see a chicken on a hot summers day tipped over on their backs, they are in fact quite happy and not dead or going mad at all.

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Ten of the Cutest Chicks in Hats You Will Ever See in Your Life!
Baby Chick In A Top Hat

6 – “I know we are a little young to get married, but it was love at first egg!” – Do check out the ETSY shop here: https://www.etsy.com/shop/chicksinhats

FACT: Chickens are one of only hundred or so species that experience rapid eye movement (REM) sleep! In fact much like us humans they need this sleep to live a healthy life.

Ten of the Cutest Chicks in Hats You Will Ever See in Your Life!
Baby Chick in a designer hat

5 –”Us posh chicks have to always look our best” – Do check out the ETSY shop here: https://www.etsy.com/shop/chicksinhats

FACT: Chickens sadly for them have pain receptors that give them the ability to feel pain and distress. Which makes it even more important to make sure you get your eggs and meat from an ethical farm rather than a battery hen farm.

Ten of the Cutest Chicks in Hats You Will Ever See in Your Life!
Baby Chick in a bowler hat

4 – “Blues Brothers? Do they live down the road, cuz I’ve never heard of em.” – Do check out the ETSY shop here: https://www.etsy.com/shop/chicksinhats

FACT: Hens will not only defend their young from predators, but they are willing to give up their lives for them. Goes to show just how loving a chicken can be.

Ten of the Cutest Chicks in Hats You Will Ever See in Your Life!
Baby Chick Wearing Bunny Rabbit Ears

3 – “I’m the original Easter Chick” – Do check out the ETSY shop here: https://www.etsy.com/shop/chicksinhats

FACT: It is thought that most chicken breeds are great communicators with chickens having more than 30 types of vocalizations (words) to choose from. Not so much bird brain at all!

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Ten of the Cutest Chicks in Hats You Will Ever See in Your Life!
Baby Chick in a Easter Bonnet

2 – “Easter time is my favourite time.” – Do check out the ETSY shop here: https://www.etsy.com/shop/chicksinhats

FACT: Chickens are more like human mother hens than you might think, as they will often talk to their babies in the egg even before they even hatch. And further studies have shown that when chicks are born the already know 5-10 of the mothers calls (words) instantly.

Baby Chick in a Straw Hat
Baby Chick in a Straw Hat

1 – “Straw hats are the way to go my boy. They’re the future!” – Do check out the ETSY shop here: https://www.etsy.com/shop/chicksinhats

FACT: It was once a tradition to really give someone an Easter chick! None of this fake ball of fluff with an orange fluff beak, a real chick!

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