Ten Pictures That Prove Cats Have a Thing for Coat Hangers

Some get stuck in them, others fall asleep in a rail full of them. I am talking about coat hangers and here are ten cats that have a thing for them. I challenge you not to laugh at some of these as the cat often looks like clothes hung victim…


Cat Caught in a Coat Hanger
Cat Caught in a Coat Hanger

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It looks like this kitty needs a little human assistance. Or maybe he is just hanging out to dry.

Cat Playing in Coat Hangers
Cat Playing in Coat Hangers

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For a young kitten, a wardrobe with coat hangers is a play gym that is ripe for the playing. Say goodbye to those shoulders on your clothes!

Cat Caught in a Coat Hanger
Cat Caught in a Coat Hanger

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Yet another cat who has been probably doing something he shouldn’t have. You might want to find out where the item of clothing was that was once on this clothes hanger.

Cat Asleep in Coat Hangers
Cat Asleep in Coat Hangers

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If you have the right clothes I do suppose coat hangers make a rather comfortable hanging bed!

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Cat Caught in a Coat Hanger
Cat Caught in a Coat Hanger

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Why get tangled up in just one coat hanger when you can get tangled up in several of them. This is a kitty that will need a lot of help.

Cat Trying to Sleep in Coat Hangers
Cat Trying to Sleep in Coat Hangers

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That is the face of a cat who has been caught in the act. Dare I say those are the eyes of a guilty pussy.

Cat Caught in a Coat Hanger
Cat Caught in a Coat Hanger

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Poor puss looks rather sorry for him/herself. Maybe a little helping hand and some kitty treats wouldn’t go a miss.

Cat Trying to Sleep in Coat Hangers
Cat Trying to Sleep in Coat Hangers

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Yet again it is the young ones who seem to cause the most trouble. If you are planning on getting a kitten you need to make sure your wardrobe doors self-close.

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Cat Caught in a Coat Hanger
Cat Caught in a Coat Hanger

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He hasn’t jumped onto the bed and asked for the time, it is quite obvious that he needs some help. But yet a quick photo before you free him won’t hurt.

Cat Asleep in Coat Hangers
Cat Asleep in Coat Hangers

1 – Original Source Used: >> Click Here <<

I personally wouldn’t say this is the most comfortable looking bed. But when you have a thing you love (in this case coat hangers) you want to sleep surrounded by them.

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