Now that title might sound like a contradiction in term, but these ten myths really are just that MYTHS! But look a little bit behind those myths and you eventually come across a slight bit of truth no matter how small it might be…

10 – The Myth: Oxygen is pumped into a casino to perk people up!
So this is obviously a myth, but its also pretty easy to see the truth behind it as well. The more excited people get, the more oxygen their body produces meaning they feel a lot more “perked up” that they normally would. Times this by a group of people having fun, on a winning table and you have yourself the birth of a myth.

9 – The Myth: Some casinos have rigged roulette tables
This of course is not true because these days all casinos are regulated with the strictest of rules. But this myth is indeed born from truth and once upon a time roulette tables were indeed rigged especially in the “gangster” days of Las Vegas.

8 – The Myth: Casinos put the best paying slots by the door to entice people into the casino
Pretty much all slot machines are born from the same cloth and will have all the same odds of winning making this little more than a myth. But there is some truth to it, but not in the way the myth suggests. The chances are good that people will often play the first slot machine they come across and of course this means more people play them. The chances are good that people see more people winning on these machines because they are on the way into the casino, thus not seeing all the other winning (or losing) people all around the casino floor!

7 – The Myth: Card counting is illegal
This one if a pretty obvious one. Sure, it might not be illegal, but many, many casinos do frown on it and will kick you out for doing it. When people see this happening our human minds associate it will being wrong, bad…illegal.
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6 – The Myth: Security officials often watch you on hidden camera and decide when a certain slot player is due a big win and tell that machine to win via a computer.
There is no “secret winning button” anyone can “hit” at all, but more often than not a camera will keep an eye on a player winning a lot, or failing that keeping an eye on them when they are losing a lot to make sure the player is OK. The cameras are not there to spy on you, they are also there for your security and protection!

5 – The Myth: Big winners often get little bonuses like free hotel rooms
I’m pretty sure that most casinos wouldn’t want to keep a player on a winning streak within its walls, but sometimes casinos will indeed offer surprise little bonuses like free meals and hotel rooms to people, but more often than not its to make a “fanfare” out of them and showcase that you too could be a winner. So no, they don’t do it all the time if hardly any. But now and again they will do it make themselves look good.

4 – The Myth: All online casino sites are above board and secure
This sadly isn’t true at all and there are more than a few reports of people losing money to scrupulous online casino sites and not getting a single spin or card game out of it. But in truth, if you make your deposit with Paypal you always have a record of any payments you make to the site and if you do have a problem and can’t get in touch with the site owners themselves, you can always open a Paypal dispute and get your money back that way meaning you can use Paypal with any casino site and always get your moneys worth, or your money back!

3 – The Myth: Casinos “loosen” the slot machines at certain times of the week
These days casinos can’t loosen or tighten any slot machine, but at certain days of the week (like the end of the week) more people are liable to play them meaning at certain times of the week there really are more winners than the rest of the week. But this is only true because there are more people playing them to win more!
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2 – The Myth: Its best to play slot machines with higher payout rates
Well…yes and no. If you put in £100 into a slot machine you won’t get a guaranteed £86/£90 back. It just means that odds are true over a very long period of time (as in months, years). So its only true over a very long period of time.

1 – The Myth: You can win more if you cash out after each win
This of course is not true at all, but often a win in the hand and a win in the bank on the slot machine can make it feel like you have won more. Sadly feeling more and being more are two different things.