Top 10 Casino Myths Most People Think Are True (But Are Fake)

If I was to do a post on casino myths I would need to do a top 1000, not a top ten. And it is true that some myths no matter how odd they might seem are indeed true. But these ten myths you are about to read are some of the most believable and retold by people almost every week. But one thing they all have in common is they are all fake…


Casinos Add Extra Oxygen To the Air-Con To Keep You Awake
Casinos Add Extra Oxygen To the Air-Con To Keep You Awake

10 – Casinos Add Extra Oxygen To the Air-Con To Keep You Awake

There are so many reasons why casinos not only wouldn’t do this but also couldn’t do this that it makes me wonder why so many people still believe it!

Card Counting Will Get You Thrown Out
Card Counting Will Get You Thrown Out

9 – Card Counting Will Get You Thrown Out

Once upon a time, this might have been true with single or double deck games. But these days casinos very rarely use the same deck twice and even if they do use them over and over you are talking hundreds of decks of cards. So no, it won’t get you kicked out because it’s pointless doing it!

Playing a Slot Machine After Someone Loses a Lot on It Will Increase Your Odds of Winning
Playing a Slot Machine After Someone Loses a Lot on It Will Increase Your Odds of Winning

8 – Playing a Slot Machine After Someone Loses a Lot on It Will Increase Your Odds of Winning

This is never been true even in the days of mechanical one arm bandit machines. Every spin gives you the same odds of winning no matter how much money the machine has already taken.

Remote Controlled Roulette Wheels Are Something the Movies Made Up
Remote Controlled Roulette Wheels Are Something the Movies Made Up

7 – Remote Controlled Roulette Wheels Are Something the Movies Made Up

Sadly this is not true at all and Al Capone himself admitted to having made money from a roulette wheel that was indeed operated by remote to land on certain numbers via magnets. While there are rules and regulations to govern casinos these days it is still possible some back street casinos use them.

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Being "Due" a Win
Being “Due” a Win

6 – Being “Due” a Win

If you feel you have lost so much that you are soon “Due” a win then I suggest you stop gambling already. Chasing losses won’t solve your luck and are only likely to get you into even more trouble.

The House Always Wins
The House Always Wins

5 – The House Always Wins

This simply isn’t true at all. The same odds that allow you to win while gambling does indeed mean that sometimes the “house” will lose money on that day especially after a big win. Sure, they will make that money back in the long term, but with slot machine jackpots getting bigger and bigger it is happening more and more often. Casinos open and close all over the world every week, because like any other businesses, some succeed and others don’t (especially when it comes to online casinos).

There Are Some Winning Systems
There Are Some Winning Systems

4 – There Are Some Winning Systems

While you can indeed train yourself to become a professional poker player, any player at that level will still tell you that a lot of it is down to luck. The same with any other casino game be it online or offline.

Free Rooms and Meals Are Provided to Winners
Free Rooms and Meals Are Provided to Winners

3 – Free Rooms and Meals Are Provided to Winners

Now this one is utter rubbish no matter how big the win is. The last thing casinos want to do is to keep a bigger winner hanging around. But if you win big and start to bet big, they are much more liable to offer you something like a room for the night or food. Big players get to stay, big winners not so much.

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Hot and Cold Tables
Hot and Cold Tables

2 – Hot and Cold Tables

Once again this is often down to peoples ‘observations’ because often the table they are on seems to be losing but others are winning all the time. But if those people on the winning table swapped with the losing table they wouldn’t have any different odds and if their luck was in they would still carry on winning no matter what table they were on.

Winners Get Kicked Out
Winners Get Kicked Out

1 – Winners Get Kicked Out

This one has been doing the rounds since the days of Las Vegas being run by mobsters. While back then it might have been the case, these days millions of people win in casinos and online apps and sites every single day. They have to follow the rules and relations set out by gambling commissions just as much as you have to follow the rules of the casino. Sure, some casinos might not like you winning a lot, but there isn’t much they could do about it!

Author: Gus Barge

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