To see a male Indian peacock on full tail feather display is something I have been lucky enough to see with my own two eyes several times. But unlike these other animals, you are about to see I didn’t get jealous! No, I just respected the beauty of the animal. But these ten animals got so jealous after seeing it they have all decided to become peacocks themselves…

10 – Dog
He is the first of many dogs to come, but probably the least happy looking about his costume choice. Well, I think he looks rather cute in it, and if I was a Peahen I would love it.

9 – Cat
The look on this cats face is priceless! I really don’t think he could be any more proud to be dressed as a peacock if he tried. Dare I say he pulls it off rather nicely as well.

8 – Dog
The last thing this dog needed is something to make it look even cuter. But this little princess has decided to dress up like a peacock and forget the fact that it is a male bird, not a female one.

7 – Cat
Looking at how amazing the cats look in their Peacock costumes I think I should have done just a top ten cats dressed as peacocks. But then again some of these other animals look really good as peacocks as well.
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6 – Horse
I am surprised there aren’t a lot more horses dressed as peacocks, but I suppose the majestic sight of a horse cantering through the fields is beautiful enough.

5 – Dog
Even after writing the post “Top 10 Poodle Doodles” I am still not sure I like this style of dog art. But needless to say, the dog really does look just like a peacock!

4 – Hedgehog
The cute little guy always wanted to grow up to be a peacock. Well, now he has had his wish come true thanks to a little creative costume. Is this classed as hedgehog cosplay?

3 – Cat
Cats don’t need any peacock costume to show-off and are proud of themselves! But sadly this cat got pecked by a peacock when it was a kitten so has since always wanted to become one.
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2 – Dog
If you are going to take your pet trick or treating you could do far worse than turn them into a beautiful peacock in full tail bloom. As a side bonus, it will also help your dog get a date!

1 – Dog
This Peacock Dachshund gets extra points for making use of real peacock feathers! Like a true showman, the display is amazing, provided the dog is encouraged to move off the spot he has sat in for the last 30 minutes.