Do you sink into your sofa whenever you sit on it? If you do you might want to keep a firm eye on any pets if you have any because what I have here is real pictures of sofas coming to life and eating animals! From cats to other pet critters, something seriously needs to be done about these evil sofas…

10 – Dog
The problem with being attacked and swallowed by a sofa is that it feels so comfortable you hardly notice it! But slowly you will soon be where all those lost remotes and keys are.

9 – Cat
This cat looks like it was attacked while driving a car! Or possibly the poor thing has been petrified stiff by the sofas attack.

8 – Dog
If you should see a tail wagging from the top of the sofa, don’t just stand there taking pictures, help your pet escape the sofas evil clutches!

7 – Cat
It’s an old comedy lift door sofa attack. This poor kitty was just trying to get some sleep when suddenly he was swallowed whole!
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6 – Dog
This dog knew he could smell something down the back of the couch. Turns out it was a bone he had long forgotten about.

5 – Cat
This is all that is left of this poor cat after it decided to explore between the sofa seat cushions. He has never seen again…until his food bowl was filled.

4 – Dog
His owner kept telling him not to get up on the couch, and now he knows why and regrets ever doing it.

3 – Ferret
Even your pet Ferret isn’t safe from the sofa monster! In fact, it will eat just about any animal is left alone on the sofa for too long.
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2 – Dog
This poor pooch was simply enjoying his favourite TV shows when the sofa suddenly started to munch on him! So long Captain Puddles.

1 – Cat
It looks like the cat has lost this battle. Wherever you are, whatever sofa you have, make sure you don’t let it eat your pets.