Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland might have been written way back in 1865 (By Lewis Carroll) but that little girl Alice who falls down the rabbit hole into a fantasy world is still very much loved today. While it is always being re-imagined into newer and more modern ways, the basic elements from the original novel still apply. From the mad hatter, Cheshire cat and the March Hare they are all still loved and I am sure many a little child or even some adults are bounds to have an Alice In Wonderland parties at least once in their lifetime, so I thought I would offer up the top 10 party foods you should be serving…

10 – Make it Yourself: >> CLICK HERE <<
They might not look wonderland themed, but as soon as you explain that they are “Duchess Potatoes” most people will get the link. And I choose these because not only is there a full image driven making guide in the link, but they also look really tasty!

9 – Make it Yourself: >> CLICK HERE <<
While there is no recipe or making guide to be found in the link it does lead to a very interesting interview with highly skilled cookie baker Jenni Shah. But lets face it. Even if there was a making guide the cookies would only be as good as our own food art skills!

8 – Make it Yourself: >> CLICK HERE <<
What I love about these is not the cool theming ideas, it is not that they look like super tasty cookies, but that there is no making guide to go with these because you can simply buy them! Sounds like the perfect party food idea to me, and zero hassle!

7 – Make it Yourself: >> CLICK HERE <<
Do you see what the baker did here? The Queen of Tarts / Hearts! Well, cool headlines aside these look very, very tasty and if there was something I would instantly go for at an Alice themed party these would be one of them.
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6 – Make it Yourself: >> CLICK HERE <<
The Demon Dice (named the Diabolical Dice by the Cheshire Cat) was never the friendliest characters Alice came across. But they can still make for some tasty party food ideas! No recipe or making guide, but still a very creative idea indeed.

5 – Make it Yourself: >> CLICK HERE <<
There are an awful lot of people that think Alice in Wonderland is really just about doing drugs! Little Alice drinks potions and eats pieces of mushroom to change her physical state and the caterpillar smokes an elaborate water pipe!

4 – Make it Yourself: >> CLICK HERE <<
Sure! I could have gone with the classic cucumber sandwiches that the mad hatter had at his party, but where is the fun in that? I think these are much healthier and you really don’t need a recipe or making guide to make them! (Which is lucky because there isn’t one.)

3 – Make it Yourself: >> CLICK HERE <<
They might look like amazing food art, but the skills needed to make these are very low indeed. With a fantastic step by step image driven making guide they really do look both fun and easy to make. I might even have to try these without having a Wonderland party!
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2 – Make it Yourself: >> CLICK HERE <<
Welcome to the mad hatter’s tea party! But sadly most kids and a lot of us grown-ups don’t really like tea (I am more of a coffee man myself) so these marshmallow teacups are the perfect solution to that problem and they look really tasty!

1 – Make it Yourself: >> CLICK HERE <<
While there is no making guide to go with my number 1 I’m sure most of us will not need it. Just make some white and brown bread sandwiches and then carefully cut out the shapes of the playing cards, and bingo! You have one amazing sandwich spread that not only looks amazing but will get everyone talking about your party for years to come.