Ten Themed Cars Any Videogame Player Would Be Proud to Drive

Not so much these days, but I used to love playing video games. The excitement, thrill of a new shoot-em-up or fighting game would always fill me with happiness. I think the furthest I ever went with a video game was to put up a wall full of Zelda posters, but some people make whole cars in the style of their favourite games. If you’re a fan who played one of these games years ago, you can still buy used video games so maybe you can locate your old favourite…


Top 10 Video Game Themed Cars
Zelda Themed Car

10 – Zelda

This 1978 Ford Fairmont featuring a full classic Zelda video game map as well some character decals is simple to look at but made from pure fan joy. Perfect for a long drive to Lon Lon ranch.

Top 10 Video Game Themed Cars
Street Fighter Themed Car

9 – Street Fighter

While this Street Fighter themed chariot is only styled at the back you can tell by the quality of the drawing that it is hand drawn and therefore well worthy of a mention here. Anyone who thinks it is rubbish gets a Ryu style Hadouken.

Top 10 Video Game Themed Cars
Megaman Themed Car

8 – Megaman

With a massive Blue Bomber this hand-styled Mega Man car is crazy cool. Sadly I couldn’t find many details out about it, but I do know it was a great game, a great car and well worth including in this list.

Top 10 Video Game Themed Cars
Call of Duty Themed Car

7 – COD

For those transport nerds, I do know that this is more a jeep than a car, but it is still a car of sorts and video games themed Hummer H1. Made by German body-wrap specialist Cam-Shaft it is well worth being on the list.

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Top 10 Video Game Themed Cars
Sonic the hedgehog Themed Car

6 – Sonic

Sure it is nothing more than a smart car with an advert on the side of it, but at least they themed the whole car in the style of the advert. I am not a fan of smart cars, but I will happily drive around in this all day long!

Top 10 Video Game Themed Cars
Pacman Themed Car

5 – Pacman

Now, this is what I call a video game themed car! With the wing mirrors, wheels and seats all styled to the red and yellow Pacman style this is one of the best you will see, even if it is a little too retro for most people.

Top 10 Video Game Themed Cars
Donkey Kong Themed Car

4 – Donkey Kong

There were quite a few DK styled cars to choose from, but I personally think that this is the very best of them, With some hand painted decals and styled wheels it embodies all that is fun about Donkey Kong.

Top 10 Video Game Themed Cars
Outrun Themed Car

3 – Outrun

Not only does this out run themed car look like the arcade machine, but it really is an arcade themed outrun car! Modified from the original arcade cabinet it is nippy, kart like in style and sure to turn heads in any show or event.

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Top 10 Video Game Themed Cars
Space Invaders Themed Car

2 – Space Invaders

This Mini Cooper with retro print Space Invader decals is one of the better-made video game inspired cars and was in fact used to market the new mini cooper car! It seems us nerds get everywhere, even in car marketing departments.

Top 10 Video Game Themed Cars
Super Mario Themed Car

1 – Super Mario

Let’s face it. It was always going to be a Nintendo themed car in the number 1 spot because that is the gaming era that I was brought up in. Plus this classic Super Mario car is not only great looking, but it is also a classic car itself! Very cool (and nerdy) indeed.

Author: Gus Barge

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